


虽然这些是好处,指出的主要担忧之一是,alaska airlines没有经验在低收入国家。这是一个事实陈述的案例研究,但认为案例研究国家筛选的目的。案例研究报告指出,在过去和现在,筛选参与并购,使它成为一个最大的啤酒和一个世界上五大消费品。如果这确实是碱性的计划的未来,然后收购KO和其现有计划将适合碱性的正轨。组织必须设置这样的共享有一些元素和支持扩展。例如,根据规模经济的概念,因为这两个组织都是在相同的行业,他们可以很容易地共享一些服务,比如办公室管理、市场营销、财务会计和更多(Chatterjee等,1992)。



While these are benefits, a major concern noted was that ALK does not have experience in the Low Income country. This is a fact stated in the case study, but considers what the case study states as the aim of ALK. The case study states that in the past and present, ALK has involved in mergers and acquisitions that would make it a largest brewer and one of the top 5 consumer products in the world. If this is indeed the plan for ALK’s future, then the acquisition of KO and its existing plans would be right on track for ALK. The organizations have to be setup such that there are sharing of some elements and support extended for others. For instance, according to the economies of scale concept, since both organizations are in the same industries, they can easily share some services such as the office administration, marketing, financial accounting and more (Chatterjee, et al, 1992).

The production facilities and R&D can also be merged. Both organizations would cut off on redundant actions and hence would be able to save in terms of operating costs. Secondly, both organizations bring knowledge to one another, ALK brings knowledge on a series of successful mergers which has helped it develop and KO brings knowledge on market expansions and negotiation into a previously unexplored turf for breweries. This would augment the knowledge setup for both. The relationships between the organizations should be set up such that there is some autonomy given to KO by ALK. ALK should not superimpose its decision making on KO at all times. At the management end, some degree of autonomy has to be given to KO. Research studies indicate that acquisitions would not be as successful if this autonomy was not given.



