


最近网络社区的发展和基于web的虚拟评论增加了旅行的人数使用网站,如Advisor.com,Yelp.com,Chowhound.com Priceline.com和预测为了查找信息在他们所渴望的地方访问,使后续预订(法律&张,2006)。随着时间发展的这一趋势回顾了额外的细节和发布图片、链接等等。本文探索了影响此类评论对潜在游客。

人们使用许多论坛如Facebook和个性化的博客来赞美和抱怨他们去过的地方在互联网上(非盟,Buhalis &法律,2014)。他们这样做的仔细选择单词,经常通过添加和分享与旅行相关的图片。东西方人的行为不同于彼此抱怨和恭维行为而言,由于每个预计不同级别的客户服务以及酒店提供的服务。本研究旨在评估的程度的差异东西方评论家的意见在同一集团的酒店在东方和西方。


The recent development in online communities and web based virtual reviews has increased the number of people who use websites such as Trip Advisor.com, Yelp.com, Chowhound.com Priceline.com and forecast in order to look up information on the places they desire to visit and make subsequent bookings (Law & Cheung, 2006). As years have progressed this trend of reviewing has improved with additional details and posting pictures, links etcetera. This thesis has led to exploring the effects such reviews have on potential tourists.
People use many forums such as Facebook and personalized blogs to compliment and complain about the places they have traveled to on the internet (Au, Buhalis & Law, 2014). They do so by the careful selection of words and often by adding and sharing pictures related to their travels. The behaviors of both Eastern and Western people are different from each other as far as complaint and compliment behavior is concerned, since each expects a different level of customer service as well as the services provided at the hotels. This study aims to evaluate the degree of differences in the opinions of eastern and western reviewers on the same group of hotels in the east as well the west.



