


在上一个专题中,决定只有通过系统审查现有进程和分析市场才能得出最佳的行动方针。产品准备和组织准备被认为是帮助公司做好出口准备的重要因素。这个系统的规划应该包括准确的市场区域(Fletcher and Harris, 2012)。公司应制定明确的出口计划,以满足需求和扩大消费者基础。本主题详细讨论了实现这一范式的方法。最初,有三种公司的讨论。第一家公司不知道如何拓展海外市场。对于一个公司来说,在选择进入一个新的市场之前,对市场和产品的市场接受度有一个战略性的想法是非常重要的。



In the previous topic, it was determined that the best course of action can be derived only by systematic review of the existing processes and analysis of the markets. The product readiness and the organizational readiness were considered to be important factors that aided towards the company to being export ready. This systematic planning should include accurate section of the market (Fletcher and Harris, 2012). There should be a clear export planning done by the companies to meet requirements and expand the consumer base. The ways to achieve this paradigm was discussed in detail in this topic. Initially, there was discussion of three kinds of companies. The first company did not have the knowledge about how to expand market overseas. It is very important for a company to have a strategic idea about the markets and the market reception about a product before choosing to venture into a new market.

In the second company, the owner decides to hire people to develop an expansion policy. Owner is found to have no time to develop inputs for their expansion plan. There is lack of leadership and assistance provided by the human resources for expansion. The third company decides to export because the local economy was in peril. In many cases, companies export product because local economy is slumping. This is not the right reasons to expand to oversees market. There should be basic demand of the product in the overseas market for the company to decide to expand operations. All these cases are examples of how not to proceed towards exporting of products. There should be a clear understanding and a formalized structure.



