
代寫論文 價格-多芬宣傳活動是否符合品牌戰略

本文的主要內容是多芬宣傳活動是否符合品牌戰略,消費者識別與分析:消費者識別與分析是產生真美營銷理念的主要決定因素。活動設計師考慮了目標受眾即女性,並分析了她們所面臨的主要問題。事實證明,大多數女性都面臨著外貌定型的問題。社會上對美的固有成見是女性面臨的主要問題。因此,追求真正的美麗的運動立即受到觀眾的歡迎,即女性和其他人也紛紛效仿(Desmond, 2003)。本篇代寫論文 價格文章由英國論文人EducationRen教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

The various processes which clearly establish a difference between the consumer oriented campaign and brand oriented branding strategy are as follows:Consumer identification and analysis: This factor is the major determinant for deriving the idea for campaign for real beauty. The campaign designers took the target audience i.e. women into consideration and then analysed the major issues faced by them. As it turns out, majority of women faced the problem of being typecast for their facial appearance. The existing stereotypes which define beauty in the society are the major issues for women. Hence, the campaign for real beauty became an instant hit with the audience i.e. women and the rest followed suit (Desmond, 2003).
Competitor Analysis: Unilever, the owner of the Dove brand has many other cosmetic and toiletry product brands under its shade. The different competitors in the market showed formidable opposition with better products and sophisticated branding strategy. The packaging of products of the peers of Unilever and other elements of branding strategy were modified and turned out to increase sales (Brebels, De & Van, 2014). In such times, Unilever specifically used Dove for a cause related marketing campaign which was used by the fairer sect of the population. As a result, consumers started associating with a brand on an emotional level.
Opportunity analysis: No other peer had ever thought of using a CRM schedule for promoting cosmetic products. Unilever grabbed this opportunity and tapped into an unexplored domain of advertisement and marketing by introducing the campaign for real beauty.
Message analysis: The marketing campaign designers were particular about the message to be delivered to the audience. This eased the process of campaign design and provided a wider acclaim among audience. The campaign signified protest against beauty stereotypes and successfully conveyed the message to the audience through a series of activities. In the first advertisement of 2003 where real women featured in an advertisement of Dove’s skin firming solution, in the picture of a 96-year old woman and the question associated with it and the Self Esteem Fund run by Dove made a clear statement before the audience (DiPaola &Tschannen-Moran, 2014). Subsequently, the consumers forgot the branding strategy and started associating with the purpose served by the campaign. In the end, Dove reaped the benefits of an independent marketing campaign and showed marvellous improvement in sales by 9% and registered gigantic rises in sales of different product lines belonging to Dove, sometimes up to 900% increase.
Though the differences between the marketing campaign followed by Dove and the brand’s initial branding strategy cannot be determined accurately, it can be inferred that the marketing campaign made the most out of the basics to deliver a phenomenal outcome.



