



在学校的几个小时内,学生通常学习。但是没有人知道在整个学习时间结束后他们到底做了什么。放学后,学生们什么都要做,这是很重要的。大多数家长忙于他们的工作或工作,他们没有监督学生。同样,学生可能会被犯罪、性行为和其他危险行为所吸引,这些行为会影响他们的生活和职业(Geiger & Britsch, 2006)。许多学生发现被一些有害的东西所吸引,如吸毒成瘾。这是最有害的事情之一,可以影响任何一个孩子和他们的职业生涯。我们对那些接受OST课程的学生进行了大量的研究,这些学生对青少年犯罪有积极的影响。






Within the hours of school the students generally study. But no one knows that what actually they do after the end of the overall school hours. After these school hours the students are important to follow anything. Most of the parents are busy in their jobs or work and they fail to keep a check on the students. As a result of the same, the students may get attracted to the crimes, sexual activities and much other risky behavior which can impact their life and career (Geiger & Britsch, 2006). Many students have found to be attracted to some of the harmful things such as drug addiction. This is one of the most harmful things which can impact any child and their career. There have been a number of researches conducted on the students who were taking the OST programs and were having a positive effect on juvenile crime.

In addition to this, by conducting the OST programs it also helped in the overall reduction of the bad habits such as teen sex, pregnancies and marijuana use and drugs. Therefore, with the help of the same, the crimes that the young children conduct can be easily controlled.The out of School training programs ensure that there should be a complete safety and supervision for the students. This can also prevent the students to engage in a risky behavior. The different study also ensures that the children whose parents go for work are much safer in the Out of school training programs can result in getting grades and fewer behavioral programs for these students. It is important for the students that they should experience greater gains in case they participate in the afterschool programs on the regular basis.

Therefore should be a higher frequency for these students over a number of years. It has also been noticed that there is a difference in the schedule of students who have higher income in their families and the ones who have lesser income in their families. It has been found that the students whose families have higher levels of income are much likely to be the part of the number of after school activities. In addition to this, this is required to be done with a greater frequency during the week. Also, these students take much more interest in different activities and participate in numerous activities in the month or the week. Also these are the participants which show much higher interest levels during some of the enrichment programs. On the other hand, the students which have lesser salaries in their families are observed to be the part of the tutoring programs more and more. Thus it can be stated that the different OST programs are much more beneficial for the students who have their families with high incomes in comparison to the students who have lower income in their families.



