





From the research it can be identified that the gender pay does exists. Though, the contributor which may be related to the gender inequity of the choices which are made by men and women has been discussed. In addition, the segregation of the different gender in some of the sectors may lead to the contribution of the barriers for the ones who have been associated with some of the some of the jobs. In this research there are a number of questions which have been analyzed. The first question of focus is what the contributing factors for the gender pay in equality in the field of technology. The second question is that the work which is experienced by the men and women is different from one another and if the same forms to be a reason for gender wage inequality. The third question is the reason for the hiring rates of women. The final question is that the immigrant women experience the labour market and the career building in a different manner from the Canadian women. Thus, there will be analysis on the culture and the immigration status of the women. In addition to this, there has been a discussion related to the government policies which may be related to education, socialization and the programs which can be proposed in the same.

Also, the research related to the effective measures which may lead in gender pay equality has been discussed. Further, there has been a discussion on the processes related to the solving of gender wage gap. The gender wage gap has been because of the difference in the earnings of men and women. It can be defined as the indicator of the economic equality of the women. It has been observed that out of the 34 Countries which were the par of OECD, Canada has got the 7th position in the list of highest wage gap in China. Though in the recent times, it has been observed that the total number of working women has increase to 42 % to around 60 % in the past 30 years. Thus, it can be regarded as one of the best social change in the last century. Though, in the past there have been a number of failures which have led to the disadvantage in the process of employment for women. The process of gender wage gap is complex and may result from a large number of factors. Firstly, the work which is done by the traditional women is paid lesser in comparison to the traditional men.



