

本文主要講什麼是數字鴻溝。 “數字鴻溝”指的是國家和人群之間的社會和經濟不平等,這種不平等是由不充分的機會、人口偏好或社會經濟水平造成的。當這種情況發生在兩國之間時,它被視為全球數字鴻溝。信息和通信技術(ICT)是跨國家交流和共享信息的重要模式(James, 2004)。隨著手機和互聯網在世界各地的高度普及,數字鴻溝被認為是一種補貼,但問題在於對技術的理解。本篇代寫文章由英國論文人EducationRen教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

Digital divide is referred as a social and economic inequality between countries and groups of people due to inadequate access or demographic preferences or the socioeconomic levels. When it happens between the countries, it is treated as global digital divide. Information and communication technology (ICT) stands as an important mode to communicate and share information across countries (James, 2004). With a high penetration of mobile phone and internet throughout the world, digital divide is assumed to subsidize but the problem lies in the understanding of technology.
The demographic differences (age, occupation and income levels) remain as crucial factors leading to increased digital divide. With an increase in income, people have better understanding of the growing technologies and prefer to use them to develop their knowledge and communicate with others. However, the mediating variables like empowerment and awareness have confirmed that the developing and underdeveloped countries have poor digital opportunity index as per UNESCO. This digital divide is a direct output of economic development. When a country is economically rich, the infrastructure develops will in turn increase access to new technologies.
As per Pew report issued in the year 2012, less than 49% of African Americans are found to possess high speed internet at their houses. Less than 62% of the households are aware of internet and own the connection (James, 2004). While schools and businesses have attempted to adopt ICT, teachers and business owners belonging to low income or unorganized sectors are less interested towards the involvement of technology amidst their conventional business practices. This shows the poor ability of people to understand and to apply ICT within their organizational environment. In addition, other reasons for digital divide which are found to impact and maximize the differences greatly are present. These will be studied in the next section in detail.



