


企业家的目标是为公司创造价值。更多的研究现状以及现有业务的研究,已经证明,一个企业家将专注于为公司创造价值,使公司更具竞争力,或通过创建创新优势和行动(Pitelis &蒂斯,2010)。虽然这种价值创造绝对是与盈利能力,盈利能力或利润最大化并不是唯一的目标。专用性进入上下文作为企业家想象的更关键的动机和创新在市场经济(冬天,2006)。拨款的理解,更集中创业的想象力比,因此可能会考虑可用的利润。企业家的富有想象力的行动的目的是创建的事情承担尽可能多的商业价值。可能是企业家帮助创建或共同创造的东西。

创业的想象力与创新的产品因此一个重要的概念作为一个组织的创新增加最大价值。当前文学关注企业家的船和一个企业家对业务带来的价值,然而,重点主要是价值创造,不拨款,以及创业创新想象力的作用往往集中在现有的机会和更多的(Alvarez &巴尼,2007)。“这样做,企业家必须富有想象力的努力为了目标图像的创建和共同创造市场机会,和商业生态系统,需求,消费需求和机构”(琼斯& Pitelis,2015年,第2期)。也有挑战,这方面通常不是评论。这项研究是在试图理解的挑战;因此,它提供了一个新的研究视角。


The aim of the entrepreneur is to create value for the company. In more current research as well as in the case of existing business studies, it has been proved that an entrepreneur will be focused on creating value for the company by enabling the company to be competitive, or by creating innovation advantages and actions (Pitelis & Teece, 2010). Although this value creation is definitely linked with profitability, profitability or profit maximization is not the only goal here. Appropriability comes into context here as a more critical form of motivation for the entrepreneur to imagine and innovate in a market economy (Winter, 2006). By the understanding of appropriation, a more focused entrepreneurial imagination is hence possible than that would be available by the consideration of profits alone. The aim of the imaginative action of the entrepreneur is towards creating things that afford as much value for the business as possible. It could be something that the entrepreneur helped to create or co-create.

The product of entrepreneurial imagination as connected to innovation is hence an important concept as innovation adds the most value to an organization.Current literature focuses on entrepreneur ship and the value an entrepreneur brings to the business, however, the emphasis is mostly on value creation and not appropriation, and the role of entrepreneurial imagination in innovation is often focused on existing opportunities and more (Alvarez & Barney, 2007). “In so doing, entrepreneurs have to target their imaginative efforts in order to picture opportunities for the creation and co-creation of markets, and business ecosystems, demand, consumer needs and institutions” (Jones, & Pitelis, 2015, p.17). There are challenges too and this aspect is often not critiqued. This research is in attempting to understand the challenges; hence, it presents a newer perspective for research.



