

勞動力和工作場所設計有助於使員工和組織的需要。建立一個可持續的和富有成效的工作,交付的產品滿足組織的要求。大多數組織遵循這種模式與競爭對手競爭。根據莖(2011年,p . 10),這暗含有助於提供能源過渡的組織。 Vencatachellum et al。 (2010年,p . 14)認為,客戶服務需要人力資源管理技能。工作場所和勞動力設計師的技能,在這種背景下分析和評估客戶的需求在市場上維持。



Workforce and workplace designer helps in aligning the workforce with the needs of the organisation. A sustainable and productive workplace is constructed to deliver the products that meet the organisational demands. Most of the organisations follow this model to compete with the rivals. According to Halm (2011, p. 10), this entailment helps in providing energy for the transition of the organisations. Vencatachellum et al. (2010, p. 14) have opined that customer service requires HR skills. The workplace and workforce designer skills are required in this context to analyse and evaluate the needs of the customers to sustain in the market.

This entailment would further work towards the construction of a framework that would assist the employees to adapt to new challenges in the future.A hotel industry is taken in this context. This industry is based on customer satisfaction and services offered. According to Larsson (2011, p. 156), HR managers in this industry should possess workforce and workplace designer skills to provide new innovative ideas in the sustaining market. The HR manager would be able to provide an engaging and motivating atmosphere at the workplace to have a quality outcome. The requirements of control and support are required for an HR manager. This entailment can help in the achievement of the factors set by the Michigan model.



