
essay 代寫:现实主义

essay 代寫:現實主義

essay 代寫:現實主義

essay 代寫:現實主義

Realism in Film and Animation Studies.Realism is referred to as the concept in which there is an inevitable accompanying of assimilation and development in computer graphics of three dimension. In the field of media, research papers and trade publication, the history of research and technological innovation can be represented while progress to realism. Realism, in this context, can be considered as the ability of simulating any object in a manner the image of computer cannot be distinguished by a photography. At the same point of time, it has been highlighted constantly that this specific realism has qualitative difference from realism of image technologies, on the basis of optical lens, as the simulation of reality does not have an indexical relation with the current world.Irrespective of this difference, the ability for generation of stills in three- dimension does not tend to be representing a radical pause in the historical view of visual representation related to the multitude in comparison with the achievements obtained by Giotto.

essay 代寫:現實主義
A computer image and a Renaissance painting tends to be employing the same technique for the creation of illusion in imagination, existence or space. The actual break is introducing the movement of synthetic three dimensional computer animation and computer graphics with the interactivity of image. With the use of these technologies, a viewer is able to experience movement across the simulated space in three dimensions. Assumptions regarding realism in film study has frequent tying with concepts related to indexical prevalence between the photographic images along with its reference. In turn, these are known to be constituting elements of bifurcation between formalism and realism in the theory of film. Further ahead, perceptual realism tends to be designating the relationship between film or image and the spectator, while encompassing both unreal images and the ones with the involvement of referential realism.



