


日本和美国。美国在政治软实力领域受到高度重视。中国、日本和韩国的公民都相信,美国和中国的关系将会改善。美国更尊重劳工权利,美国也更尊重劳工权利。美国拥有一个为其个人需求服务的政治体系。另一方面,日本的评级也在与美国相似的范围内。来自除中国以外的每个国家的个人(Lee, 2009)。有趣的是,中国在这一特定指数上的排名相当低。其他主要大国的公民一致认为,中国在政治上有责任拥有有限的软实力,他们认为,中国的政治体制并非服务于个人的需要,也不尊重人权。区域内的外部敌对行动和与亚洲的紧张关系在最近几次已大大缓和。亚洲各国之间在外交、经济、文化和政治方面的相互依赖已经增长。

这种相互依赖也在亚洲国家和世界其他地区之间增长(Nye et al., 2009)。关于中国在亚洲军事和经济实力的增长,存在着一致的认识。此外,人们也更加注意中国在区域内培养其软实力和据说在本区域内的增长的努力。相反,美国在亚洲的软实力依然强劲,这多少有些出人意料。现在仍然很清楚的是,即使在中国经济的持续崛起和外交努力之后,美国仍然是亚洲的卓越力量(Pye et al., 2009)。还有更高水平的U。中国的经济、文化和劳动力资本在每个国家都得到了软实力的承认,同时也更加尊重外交和政治地位。


The Japan and U.S are regarded highly with the political soft power area. Chinese, Japanese and South Korean citizens are of the belief that U.S has more respect for labour rights and also that U.S possesses a system politically to serve the requirement of its individuals. On the other hand, Japan also has ratings within the similar range as the U.S from individuals in each nation excluding China (Lee, 2009). Interestingly, China rates quite poorly over this specific index. Citizens of other key powers are of the agreement that China is responsible for possessing limited soft power politically and are of the belief that the country’s political system is not such that it serves the requirements of the individuals and that it also has fewer human rights respect. Outward hostilities regionally and tensions with Asia have considerably eased in the recent times. Interdependence with regard to diplomacy, economics, culture as well as politics has grown between individual countries of Asia.

This interdependence has also grown between the countries of Asia and the remaining part of the world (Nye et al., 2009). There exists recognition of unanimous nature with regard to growing power of China militarily and economically within Asia. Also, there has been more attention which has been paid to the attempts of China at fostering its soft power regionally and its growth supposedly within this region. On the contrary, in a somewhat surprising manner, soft power of America within Asia remains to be much strong. There is still clarity that U.S continues to be preeminent power within Asia even after the continued economical rise of China and efforts of diplomacy (Pye et al., 2009). There is also higher level of U.S economic, culture and labour capital soft power recognition in every nation along with more respect for diplomatic and political standing.



