


从生物学家的角度来看,人们普遍认为性别是随着个体的诞生而形成的(Robbins and McGowan, 2016),因此,性别是预先决定的,与性别直接相关。因此,该方法提出了一个建议,即所有女性天生都是女性化的,而男性天生就是男性化的。根据这一理论,性别认同不是发展的,而是随着时间的推移而展开的。有人认为,儿童性别认同的表达会受到他人在场的影响。一个孩子在独自一人的时候,会很少进行有性别差异的游戏活动。一个孩子在独自玩耍时表现出最小的性别行为。一个孩子不参与基于性别的行为角色,除非另一个孩子参与游戏(Akinsola, 2016)。这种行为差异,当一个孩子独自一人或有其他人在场时,是儿童考虑到性别一致性的潜在利益和风险的决策意识过程的影响(Goldsmith和Diamant Cohen, 2016)。性别被认为是一种稳定的特征,一个人出生时是男性或女性,并在一生中一直保持这种状态。最初,对幼儿来说,性别概念是灵活的,直到两岁或三岁时,儿童才开始注意到或采取性别定型的支持行为。这些行为包括对颜色或玩具的偏好,这些可以区分男孩和女孩。几年后,性别的概念在儿童中变得僵化,虽然它放松到童年中期,即使成年人也面临问题,认为性别是灵活的。

在我看来,孩子的成长和社会环境对性别认同的发展都有影响。儿童的偏好、行为和兴趣以及整体的自我概念在童年中期早期或之前受到父母或权威人物的强烈影响。当孩子们被教导某些活动或特征因为他们的性别而适合或不适合他们时,他们往往会内化,这些教导会影响他们以后的生活(Menon, Schellhorn和Lowe, 2012)。例如,“男孩不哭”是一个常见的术语。即使当他们受到伤害或处于情绪爆发的情况下,男孩认为哭泣是女性的行为,他们不应该参与其中。儿童通过模仿和观察他们的初级保健提供者成为替代学习者。他们内化他们所观察到的,并重复这种模式。看着父母坚持性别定型的角色,会影响孩子长大后的行为。

In the biologist perspective, it is a common belief that gender has been constructed with the birth of an individual (Robbins and McGowan, 2016) and thus, gender is pre-determined and has a direct correlation with sex. Thus, the approach puts forth a suggestion that inherently all females are feminine and male are masculine. As per this theory, gender identity does not develop but unfolds with time. It has been suggested that the expression of gender identity by children is affected by the presence of others. A child when alone will exhibit less play activities that are gender specific. A child when playing alone demonstrates minimal gender based behaviour. A child does not engage in gender based behavioural roles unless another child is involved in the game (Akinsola, 2016). Such behavioural difference, when a child is alone or in the presence of others, is the effect of the conscious process of decision-making by the child considering potential benefits and risks of gender conformity (Goldsmith and Diamant Cohen, 2016). Gender is considered to be a stable trait where a person is born either as male or as female and continues to stay that way all through the life span. Initially, for young children, the gender concept is flexible and children do not begin to notice or adopt gender stereotype supportive behaviour till they are of two years or three years old. Such behaviour includes preference for colours or toys that distinguish boys from girls. Few years later, the concept of gender among children becomes rigid and though it relaxes by mid – childhood, even adults face problems to consider gender as being flexible.

In my opinion, the upbringing of a child and the social environment has impact on the development of gender identities. The preference, behaviour and interest of the child along with the overall self-concept have strong influence of the parental or authority figure during or prior to the early part of middle childhood. Children when taught that some activities or traits are suitable or unsuitable for them because of their gender tend to internalise and these teachings influence them later in life(Menon, Schellhorn and Lowe, 2012). For example, ‘boys do not cry’ is a common term.Even when they are hurt or in a situation when there is an emotional outburst, boys believe that crying is a feminine activity which they should not engage in. children are vicarious learners through imitation and observation of their primary care provider. They internalise what they observe and repeat the pattern.Watching parents adhere to gender stereotyped roles influences actions of children when they grow up.




