


城市旅游确实在增长。城市旅游业的增长被认为是由于世界人口的增长。有一个共识,随着世界人口的增加,(城市人口在总人口的14%,1900年随时间增加到2000年的47%左右,后来预计到2030年增长率为61%)的比例的人生活在城市地区也将增加。这种人口增长形式并不是均匀分布的,这意味着一些城市的人口可能更多,而另一些城市的人口可能更少。人们已经注意到,人口增长在所谓的特大城市中更为显著,这些城市通常有1000万或更多的人口(Connell, & Page, 2005)。东京、纽约和墨西哥都是大城市的例子。

对于这些特大城市来说,城市旅游变得非常重要(Ashworth, & Page, 2011)。其意义在于,这些城市的个人依靠旅游业来获得工作。它们依靠它们来改善经济和从政府端收集基础设施发展支助。这些城市的经济将有助于重新配置工业,经济影响通常在国家一级也能感受到,而不仅仅是在城市一级。像这样的大城市通常被认为是旅游业的主要门户。后工业化城市和那些与全球资本有关的城市把旅游业作为增加收入和对国民经济作出贡献的一种新途径。他们重新定义了城市生产和消费。


Urban tourism is definitely on the rise. The increase in urban tourism is seen to be because of the increase in the world population. There is a consensus that as world population increases, (urban population was 14 percent of the total population in 1900 and with time increased to around 47 percent in 2000, and later is expected to have a growth rate of 61 percent by 2030) the more percentage of people who would live in urban areas would also increase. This form of an increase in population is not evenly spread out, meaning some of the cities might have more of the population, and others might have less. It has been noticed that the increase in population has been more notable in the so called megacities which usually have a population of 10 million or more (Connell, & Page, 2005). Tokyo, New York, and Mexico are some of the examples of mega cities.

For these mega cities, urban tourism becomes significant (Ashworth, & Page, 2011). The significance lies in the fact that the individuals of society in these cities rely on the tourism industry for jobs. They rely on them for economic improvement and for gathering infrastructural development support from the government end. The economies of these cities will help in the reconfiguration of the industry, and the economic impact is usually felt at the national level, too and not just at the city level. Large urban centres such as these cities are usually considered as predominant gateways for tourism. Post-industrial cities and those associated with global capital focus on tourism hence as an added way to augment their income and make contributions to national economy. They redefine urban production and consumption.



