


问题是如何建立一个更好的与最终客户。品牌应该的努力来建立客户关系。为此公司首先必须制定策略,找出其精确的市场细分。他们必须知道谁是潜在客户和目标客户。努力发现建立一个积极的品牌声誉至关重要的公司开始努力将帮助社区一般(阿里,2014)。发现建立一个更好的内在品牌价值是很重要的公司做出贡献和参与社区发展活动(Sharma & Thakur,2012)。它将帮助公司如果社区发展项目是昂贵的,他们的平均消费(凯勒等人,2011)。这样他们就能吸引客户的痛苦,可以建立良好的情感纽带通过使消费者的好激励和回滚选项。消费者在一天结束的时候应该感到一个好的积极的振动对产品(波特&克莱默,2011)。


A question arises as to how to build a better connection with the end customer. The efforts of branding should be towards building the customer relationship. For this purpose the companies first must strategize and find out their exact market segmentation. They must know who the potential customer is and target their efforts towards the customer. It is found that to build a positive brand reputation it is vital that the companies embark on efforts that will aid the community in general (Ali, 2014). It is found that to build a better intrinsic brand value it is important that the companies make contributions and involve in community development activities (Sharma & Thakur, 2012). It will help the companies if the community development programs are dearer to their average consumer (Keller et al, 2011). In this way they can engage the pathos of the customer and can build good emotional bonding by enabling good incentives and rollback options to the consumers. The consumer at the end of the day should feel a good positive vibration towards the product (Porter & Kramer, 2011).



