

這項工作是對生產18F、99MO、131I和13N藥物的實驗室的分析和諮詢報告。本文所假定的立場是:同位素生產的總體需求、廢棄物管理的成本、依從性等應決定是否應停止生產。 18F是氟脫氧葡萄糖(INN)或氟脫氧葡萄糖f18 (USAN和USP)的名稱。它是一種無線電藥品,在上面的資料表中,主要用於寵物的情況。 18F的使用,以及它如何為使用它的人帶來問題,被視為是從曝光的角度進行研究的。是PET/CT檢查聯合使用,而不是單獨的PET和CT檢查,因為有效劑量是這樣產生的。這種類型的輻射引起的癌症風險可以從多個影像學角度考慮,如冠狀動脈ct、乳房x線照相術等。


現在的研究表明,癌症風險有關聯(Huang et al., 2009)。全身PET/CT掃描通常伴隨著放射劑量和癌症風險。事實上,風險收益定量是高的和臨床實用的統計數據,研究表明有必要使用PET/CT掃描來了解它對人的影響的形式(Huang et al., 2009)。這對於那些必須接受多種治療的病人來說尤為重要。在需要進行多次PET/ ct檢查的患者中,由於暴露增加,“反應評估”的形式也必須增加。雖然從公眾的觀點來看,低劑量的使用是不可忽略的輻射,但是在PET/CT中使用18F確實需要仔細監測,需要做更多的研究來研究風險(Huang et al., 2009)。


This Task conducted is an analytical and advisory report to the lab producing pharmaceuticals 18F, 99MO, 131I and 13N. The position assumed in this paper is that the isotope production and the overall demand, costs of waste management, compliance and more should dictate whether it should be discontinued in production or not. 18F goes by the name of Fludeoxyglucose (18F) (INN), or fludeoxyglucose F 18 (USAN and USP). It is a radio pharmaceutical as presented in the above fact sheet and is mainly used in the case of PET. The use of 18F and how it could contribute to issues for the person using it, is seen to be researched from the exposure perspective. It is PET/CT examinations that are used combined rather than that of the standalone PET and CT, because the effective dose is created only as such. Cancer risk induced for such form of radiation can be considered from multiple imaging perspectives, such as that of coronary CTs, mammography, and more.

Now research studies show that there is an associated cancer risk (Huang et al., 2009).Whole body PET/CT scanning is usually accompanied by radiation dose and cancer risk as well. In fact, the risk-benefit rations are seen to be high and clinical utility statistics and the study shows that it is necessary to use PET/CT scans by understanding the form of impact it could have on the person (Huang et al., 2009). This is especially important in such patients who have to undergo multiple treatments. In such patients where it is necessary to undergo multiple PET/CTs, as a result of which the exposure increases, the form of ‘response assessments’ should also have to increase. Although from a public viewpoint, it is stated that low doses being used presents non-negligible radiation, it is true that the use of 18F in PET/CT has to be carefully monitored and more studies have to be done to study risks (Huang et al., 2009).



