




旅游、活动和接待行业有几个风险因素。这些风险因素导致了危机和灾难。第一个危险因素是恐怖主义。进入21世纪,出现了几次危机,例如2001年美国发生的恐怖袭击事件,这些恐怖行为导致了外部世界的震惊,标志着这些行业的悲观情绪开始出现(贝鲁特人等,2014)。evet、旅游业和酒店业等行业明显地描绘了消费、资本主义以及对游客的攻击,表明了人们对这种价值观的意识形态性质的反对(贝鲁特人等人,2014)。不同的作者关注了旅游目的地的脆弱性以及公共用户。一些人进一步指出,在这种情况下,与任何其他服务使用者相比,游客有可能更多地暴露在危险中。Murphy et al.(1989)认为,旅游或事件部门的自然灾害暴露与各种奇异地点的暴露有关,特别是对于那些自然灾害风险较高的地区,如雪崩、飓风和火山活动是普遍存在的。近年来,自然灾害频发(贝鲁特人等,2014)。在这些领域中,这类事件是很常见的,而且在经济上依赖于旅游业的波动,这些领域的影响尤其深远。自然灾害造成的问题涉及游客对安全、基础设施和设施破坏的关注。


In the previous years, the sectors involving event, tourism and hospitality have become essential economic tools and have led towards international trade to flourish (Beirman et al., 2014). These sectors have helped in creating and contributing towards skilled jobs creation, enhanced returns on export, stronger growth in economy, and investments in the foreign environment as well as currency generation for the developed and developing nations. However, these sectors face considerable risks when visualizing them from the perspective of crisis and disaster management (Beirman et al., 2014). There are several risk factors that add to the threat. This is particularly because these sectors are sensitive and they can be impacted through any type of change particular changes of political nature, natural disasters existence or even terrorists. Henceforth, within the sectors of tourism, hospitality and event, crisis and disaster management is an essential art as it helps organizational managers to make their businesses successful and risk free even in challenging circumstances. The aim in this essay lies in analysing critically the factors which lead towards influencing the risk level related with situations of crisis and disaster within the industry of tourism, events and hospitality and the treatment options for the risk for managing of crisis and disaster circumstances within the industry.

There are several risk factors associated with the sectors of tourism, event and hospitality. These risk factors lead towards crisis and disasters. The first risk factor undertake here is terrorism. The turn towards 21st century has seen several crisis for example the attacks in 2001 in U.S. Such terror based acts have led towards shocking the external world and resulted in marking the start of gloomy emotions within these industries (Beirman et al., 2014). The sectors of evet, tourism and hospitality are seen to depict consumption conspicuously, capitalism along with attacks over tourists signifying opposition of ideological nature towards such values (Beirman et al., 2014). Various authors have focused on the tourist destinations vulnerability and therefore the public users. Some have further depicted that in such times, it is possible for tourists to have more exposure towards danger in comparison to any other service users. According to Murphy et al, (1989), it has been suggested that the natural disaster exposure on tourism or event sectors is connected with various exotic locations exposure especially for those locations at higher risks wherein natural disasters such as avalanche, hurricanes and activities of volcanoes are general. In recent years, natural disasters have become much faster (Beirman et al., 2014). There are profound implications particularly for those areas where such incidences are common and where the sectors depend over tourism based volatility economically. The issue that natural disasters cause involves tourists concern increase over safety and security as well as infrastructure and facilities destruction.



