


为了避免重复计算,该调查剔除了那些暂时远离住所的人,例如大学生。与此相反,被排除在调查之外的其他一些群体是居住在印度保留区的人口、外国军官及其家属和加拿大部队成员。除这一人群外,生活在医疗保健设施、监狱服刑人员、老年居民住宅、酒店专职人员等机构的个人不在调查范围内。该调查分别在育空、西北和努纳武特三个地区进行,覆盖了加拿大98%的人口。食物支出的信息是从来自住宅样本的住户中收集的,并根据多阶段分层抽样设计进行选择。样本设计基于城市化水平,分为两个阶段样本,包括地理区域样本,也称为集群样本。整个年度执行集群选择(Lucchetti, 2013)。这里考虑的数据和变量出现在加拿大统计和食品家庭支出调查(Pugsley, 2014)。总共有30次观测。根据要求,我们必须考虑三个自变量,即收入水平,家庭水平和地区相对于一个因变量,即家庭食品支出。

解释如下:-家庭食品支出:-被认为是因变量,因为它受三个自变量的影响,以加元计量。数据显示,食品的最高平均支出为9295美元,最低平均支出为6853美元。最大值和最小值之间的平均值由$ 8241.5给出(Smith, 2015)。收入水平:-按要求将该变量作为自变量,并以家庭早期收入为基础进行考虑。数据显示,一个家庭的最低收入为34125美元,家庭收入的最大值为148625美元。取最大值和最小值之间的平均值为$ 82878.8。数据显示,最小值和最大值之间存在着巨大的收入差距。家庭类型:-考虑家庭类型作为一个自变量,是一个虚拟变量(0 =没有孩子,1 =有孩子)。这是影响家庭食品支出的主要因素,因为如果一个家庭有一个或多个孩子,那么食品支出就会更多。另一方面,如果家庭没有孩子,与核心家庭相比,开支会更少。区域:-在自变量下考虑这个因素,因为支出和收入会随着国家的不同而不同(Pugsley, 2014)。我们在这里考虑的州是:- 1 =阿尔伯塔州和0 =新不伦瑞克州。


In order to avoid the double counting, the survey eliminates the individuals who are living away from their house on temporary basis, for example, university students. Instead of this, some other groups that are excluded from the survey are population living in the Indian reserves, foreign countries officers and their families, and Canadian Forces members. Other than this population, the individuals living in the institutions like healthcare facilities, inmates of prisons, residences for senior citizens and the people living in hotels for fulltime are excluded from the survey. The survey was conducted in three territories, Yukon, Northwest, and Nunavut respectively and covers 98% of Canada’s population.The information for food expenditure is gathered from households coming from the dwellings sample and it is selected according to the multi-stage and stratified sampling design. The sample design is based on the level of urbanization and it consists of a two stage sample which includes geographic area sample, also called as clusters. The clusters selection is performed for the complete year (Lucchetti, 2013).The data and variables which are considered here are present in the Canadian statistics and food family expenditure survey (Pugsley, 2014). There are total 30 observations. According to the requirement, we have to consider three independent variables i.e. income level, family level and region with respect to one dependent variable i.e. Family Food expenditure.

The explanations are given below: -Family food expenditure: – It is considered as the dependent variable because it is impacted by the three independent variables and is measured in Canadian dollars. The data shows that the maximum average spending on food was $9295 and the lowest average spending of $ 6853. The mean value between the maximum and the minimum values are given by $ 8241.5 (Smith, 2015). Income level: – According to the requirement this variable is considered as the independent variable and it is considered on the basis of the early income of the family. The data shows that the minimum income of a family is given as $ 34125 and the maximum value of the income of a family is given by the value of $ 148625. The mean value between the minimum and the maximum values is taken as $ 82878.8. The data shows that there is a huge income gap between the minimum and the maximum value. Family type: – The consideration of the family type is done as an independent variable and is a dummy variable (0 = without children, 1 = with children). This is the main factor which affects the family food expenditure because if the family has one or more children then the expenditure on food will be more. On the other hand, if the family has no children the expenditure will be less as compared to nuclear family. Region: – the consideration of this factor is done under the independent variable because the expenditure and the income will be different with the states (Pugsley, 2014). The states which we have considered here are: – 1 = Alberta and 0 = New Brunswick.



