


These radio waves can be used for communication and observation of extra-terrestrial life. This telescope would cost nearly 26 million dollars, which is being financed by Paul Allen and Nathan Myhrvold who previously worked at Microsoft. This telescope will be involved in research of SETI. The research has taken 24 hours a day and a week observations. The invention of Allen telescope would be an example of the significant invention in the search for extra-terrestrial life. It greatly establishes innovation and application of telescopic capabilities. The advancement of technology has changed the processes of investigations and the way in which the scientist are carrying out their works.
There is a lot of consideration as to what type of creatures the extra-terrestrials might be. They may be specially gifted, super intelligent and friendly, like the one depicted by Spielberg in E.T. They may turn out to be deadly vindictive killer machines like the one in the film Predator. Nevertheless, hardly anyone imagines them to be non-intelligent or dumb. If other creatures exist, then they would be much smarter than humans. Even if one considers the evolutionary theories, one can find that there is taxonomy of the development of mind and consciousness (Hanslmeier, Seckbach and Kempe, 2013). There is the lowest end of the spectrum and the highest one. The lower apes like chimpanzees and monkeys are smarter than dogs and the preceding lower species of life.
Many things are continuously changing in a state of evolution, and highest evolved creatures that all know are the humans. If the theory of evolution is considered, it seems fallacious to think that evolution has reached a culmination in us and has stopped. A species who survived long enough in order to become so intelligent could not have been aggressive, unfriendly or destructive. A reading of history and current affairs regarding the states of affairs going on this world is a living proof of the fact that basal instincts like anger, violence and aggression are always destructive and never productive.




