


可以通过社会学家Harold Kelley提出的协变模型来解释变革型领导下特定的工作行为(Miner, 2015, p. 67)。理论家主张在比较影响人类行为的内在品质和外在因素的基础上,发展对某一特定行为的知觉。虽然一个员工通常不愿意采取创新的工作方式,但是在高层管理机构的影响下,按照变革型领导的模式,同一员工会尝试以创新的方式思考和行动。在影响感知水平的社会因素中,像自私偏见这样的错误会给组织带来致命的后果(Dunphy, 2016, p. 472)。

国家和国际法在形成职业行为模式方面发挥着非常重要的作用。工作场所可能会出现问题,因为有问题的员工行为蔑视某些法律(Wan, 2016,第85页)。当一个组织的雇员为获得一个昂贵项目的投标订单而进行不正当交易时,就可能出现这种情况。这种做法不仅违法,而且降低了工程质量。当组织以贿赂的形式投入大量资金时,他们当然会使用劣质的材料来完成项目。这些有问题的行为可能导致组织的未来无处可寻。


One could explain the particular workplace behaviour portrayed under transformational leadership through covariation model proposed by sociologist Harold Kelley (Miner, 2015, p. 67). The theorist favoured the development of perception of a particular action based on comparing internal qualities and external factors influencing the human behaviour. Though normally an individual employee is averse to adopt innovative working styles, under the influence of top management body following the model of transformational leadership, the same employee would try to think and act in innovative manners. Among social factors that influence the levels of perception, errors like self-serving bias could bring in fatal results to an organisation (Dunphy, 2016, p. 472).

National and international laws play very important roles to shape up professional behavioural patterns. Workplace issues may arise because of the problematic employee behaviour that flouts certain laws (Wan, 2016, p. 85). Such cases may appear when employees of an organisation practice underhand deals to get the tender order of an expensive project. Such practices are not only infringement of laws but also degrade the quality of project. When the organisation invested a huge sum of money in the form of bribe, certainly they would use poor quality materials to complete the project. Such problematic behaviours could lead to the future of the organisation nowhere.



