


在生产过程中,材料被消耗并转移到最终产品中。服务组织使用流程来增加产品需求并获得竞争优势。例如,一家餐馆从百货公司购买水果和蔬菜,并用同样的方法制作美味的菜肴。在制备过程中,原料的形状、口感、质地和外观都发生了彻底的变化(Nesbitt, J。尹,S。,2015)。同样,pizza store也会按照不同的步骤来准备披萨。所有的披萨店在制作披萨的过程中并不遵循相同的流程。因此,与其他商店相比,一些披萨店可能会花费更多的时间来准备产品。获得原料、人力和技术的使用可能是造成准备时间差异的潜在原因。然而,研究表明,时间差异化主要是在不同的商店所采用的不同过程的背后。一个产品过程涉及不同的阶段,每个阶段都涉及时间消耗(威尔逊,S。阿里,N。,2014)。有些组织会跳过一些步骤,以缩短整个过程中的时间。


During process, materials are consumed and transferred into the final product. Service organisations use process for increasing product demand and gaining competitive advantage. For example, a restaurant buys fruits and vegetables from department store and uses the same in preparation of delicious dishes. During the preparation process, raw materials shape, taste, texture and appearance are change completely (Nesbitt, J., Yoon, S., 2015). Similarly, pizza store prepares pizza in different procedures. All pizza stores do not follow same process for preparation of pizza. Thus, some pizza stores might take more time in preparation of the product in comparison to other stores. Access to raw materials, availability of manpower and usage of technology might be potential reasons for difference in preparation time. However, research studies indicate that time differentiation is mainly on back of different processes adopted in different stores. A product process involves different stages and each stage involves time consumption (Wilson, S., Ali, N., 2014). Some organisations skip some steps in order to curtail time in the entire process.
On the other hand, some service organisations focus on effective supply chain management and distribution network for gaining competitive advantage.Service organisations have increased their emphasis on processes and changed processes in order to gain strict control and monitoring of end to end flow of product. Organisations have implemented enterprise resource planning (ERP) which enables organisations to track customer order. Companies recognize sentiments of consumers with the product. Hence, surveillance activities have been increased in manufacturing facilities to ensure adoption of sound process at manufacturing locations.Data security has been enhanced and organisational data are now stored in electronic devices with security in comparison to soft copies of business records. Consumers observe and value organisations with sound processes in place. This is because of the fact that any final product offered for sale to customer passes through different processes. An inefficient process may result in production and delivery of substandard goods or services to the consumer. The buyer may feel deceived on bad delivery and may lose faith in the product and organisation.




