


实施与控制:BI/BS实施项目管理的最后一个阶段是实施与控制阶段。此时所需的项目管理技能是确保信息基础设施与现有数据结构正确地链接。它应该能够获得资料,并为必要的统计处理做好准备。正确地创建元数据存档,并测试ETL过程并做好准备。然而,只有在开发了所有核心流程之后,计划分析才会完成(Watson & Wixom, 2007)。“商业智能的重点是将数据转换为增值信息:从哪里获取数据,如何集成数据,以及如何增强和交付数据作为分析洞察力,以支持商业决策。”(国际商业分析师协会IIBA, 2016, p.2)。业务/数据分析师的角色甚至将在开发期间开始。在开发阶段,业务需求收集和分析上下文中用于开发的子团队将是业务和数据分析师(Negash, 2004)。
这些人员将用于收集所需的业务需求,并对它们进行优先级排序,以便转换为所需的BI/BS模块。研究表明,业务需求信息越好,业务智能系统开发的效率就越高。因此,业务分析师将在这里扮演非常重要的角色(Chen, et al ., 2012)。其次,在开发的上下文中,业务分析人员的技能将有助于告知开发人员设计中的关键权衡。在ETL开发中,业务系统分析师将再次扮演主要角色(Wang & Wang, 2008)。在ETL开发中,准备好了用于业务智能分析的数据模型,还收集了业务和数据需求,此时,数据将被输入BI数据库,以便稍后与BS一起使用。


Implementation and Control: The final phase in the project management of BI/BS implementation is that of the implementation and control. The project management skills that required at this point are to ensure the information infrastructures link properly to existing data structures. It should be able to obtain information and have it ready for the needed statistical processing. Metadata archives are to be created properly and ETL procedures would be tested and ready. Planned analysis however will be complete only when all core processes are developed (Watson & Wixom, 2007). “The focus of business intelligence is the transformation of data into value-added information: where to source it, how to integrate it, and how to enhance and deliver it as analytic insight to support business decision making. Business Analysts plays a supportive role in this process” (International Institute of Business Analysts IIBA, 2016, p.2). The role of the Business/ data analyst will start even during development. In the development stage, the sub teams for development in the context of business requirements collection and analysis will be the business and data analyst (Negash, 2004).
These people would be used to gather the required business needs, and also prioritize them in order translate into the BI/BS modules required. Research studies note that the better the business requirements information, the more efficient the Business Intelligence system development. Hence, the Business analyst would play a very major role here (Chen, et al, 2012).Secondly in the context of development, the Business Analyst skills will be useful for informing the development staff on the key trade-offs in design. In the ETL development, the business systems analyst will play a major role again (Wang & Wang, 2008). In ETL development, the data models to be used in Business intelligence analytics are made ready and the business and data requirements are also gathered as well and at this point, the data would be fed into the BI database for use with the BS later on.



