


他试图让这些意义在空间质量上互相挑战。在空间布局上产生了主动干扰。斯坦伯格认为,平面的完整性和受启发的平整度被平面作者理解为创作的一部分,而不是问题的一部分。事实上,任何能将这种幻觉带到更真实的天使面前的东西,都常常被拒绝,就像Rauschenberg在第三次绘画《老钟》中看到的那样。左边有数字12的时钟没有被修改。任何修改都将破坏水平面的错觉,并加强传统的垂直平面。Rauschenberg的短路是一个关于石油和织物的作品。这里展示了一个有两个隔间的柜子,以及苏珊·韦尔(Susan Weil)的一幅画。平床的一个关键表现是,它利用了现实世界中散落在平床上的物体。在短路的情况下,这里可以看到类似的布局。


Objects existed randomly in chaos or confusion as they did in the real world and the pictures represented the operational process of the real world. In the past, the visual experience of the author was translated as the vertical image. Steinberg tries to presents an actual physical placement. This implies something is in the real world does not matter. The thing in question could be vertically hung, and yet it is the way that the picture plane is perceived and drawn by artist which enforces the horizontal bed. Steinberg calls this as a shift from nature to culture.Some of the paintings of Rauschenberg that Steinberg analyzes horizontal bed made the viewer. It is assumed to symbolize imaginative confrontation. The suspended pillow in the case of Canyon in 1959, the grounded ladder in the Winter Pool and the chain against a wall in the case of the Pilgrim in 1960 all emphasize on this point. Even when Rauschenberg worked later with photographic transfers he kept the original meanings of these spatial illusions he undertook on canvas.
He tried to make these meanings to challenge one another in terms of spatial quality. An active interference in spatial layout was created. Steinberg argued that the integrity of the picture plane and the inspired flatness was understood by flatbed authors as being part of the creation and not as part of the problem. In fact, anything to bring down the illusion to a more realistic angel was often rejected as seen in the case of the Old Clock in Third Time Painting by Rauschenberg. The clock with the number 12 on the left was not modified. Any modification would have destroyed the illusion of the horizontal plane and enforced the conventional vertical plane. Rauschenberg’s Short Circuit is a work presented on oil and fabric. A cabinet with two compartments is presented here, along with a painting by Susan Weil. One of the key representations of the flat bed was that it made use of real world objects as they are found scattered across on flat bed. In the case of the Short Circuit a similar layout is perceived here.



