


在项目的当前环境中,需要确定重大需求、建立可行性、确定备选方案和提出建议(Hendrickson, 1998)。根据推出新的护发产品系列的建议,批准进一步推进。除此之外,我们已经建立了团队来负责这个项目,内部文化也已经根据企业的企业文化进行了设置。这节课讨论了Josef Muller-Brockmann关于设计师的作品应该具有与数学思维相关的美学、功能性、易懂性和清晰性的陈述。有一个与现代主义后期有关的意识形态的缩影。必须相信理性、客观和秩序。网格在实现这些类型的理想方面发挥了至关重要的作用,最终成为与平面设计师培训相关的一个基本组成部分。但与增长同样重要的是,它可以被认为是智力的监狱,最终扼杀创造力,而思想自由。这有助于建立平面设计与沉闷,无意义和同质的外观。


Cities are made as dreams, and these are further made out of fears and desires, even though the thread is secret related to their discourse. The rules can be considered, the perspectives were identified as deceitful, and there is concealing of everything with something else. In garden since the age of Marco Polo and Kublai Khan, Venetian traveller and Mongol emperor, it had been sensed by Kublai Khan that the empire will come to an end. As mentioned in the lecture, Marco Polo has been diverting the hosts by the involvement of stories related to the cities. However, he had been seen travelling across the empire, in relation with the cities with desire, designs, memory and death. As unspooled by Marco Polo in the tales, the emperor was found detecting the places of fantasy appearing in a better way. Invisible Cities helped in changing the way in which there was performance of reading and key possibility of bringing balance between prose and poetry. The most significant book was that of plate and pillow, with appearance alone over a deserted island. The project is at first phase that is crucial for setting the project environment as every stage brings in new factors from the environment.
In the current environment of the project, there has an identification of significant needs, establishment of feasibility, identification of alternative, and presentation of proposal (Hendrickson, 1998). Based on the proposal for introduction of new hair care product range, there is an approval for proceeding further ahead. In addition to this, there has been establishment of the teams who will work on the project, and the internal culture has been set in accordance with the corporate culture of the business.This lecture discussed the statement of Josef Muller-Brockmann mentioning that the work of a designer should have the aesthetic, functional, intelligible and clear quality related to the thinking of mathematics. There is an epitomized position of ideology related to later period of modernism. There must be faith in rationality, objectivity and order. A crucial role was played by the grid to realize these types of ideals, and hence, has ended up becoming a fundamental component related to the training of graphic designer. But as practically significant as the growth, it can be considered as a prison of intellectuality that ends up stifling creativity, while there is freedom of thought. This helped in the establishment of graphic designing with dull, meaningless and homogenous appearance.



