

英国代写多少钱:贝克特的《等待戈多》。贝克特是一位大胆的戏剧家,他致力于研究文学前辈的技术方面。贝克特的著名传记作家迈克尔·迈耶(Michael Mayer)注意到,贝克特创造性地将客观性、口语化的对话和紧凑的情节结构这三个基本要素结合在一起。贝克特发展他的背景、叙述和人物的方式确实是一个里程碑式的突破。《等待戈多》本质上是浸透了讽刺社会空虚与虚伪的现实主义精神。接下来英国代写论文专家将为同学们介绍下贝克特的《等待戈多》。


《等待戈多》本质上是浸透了讽刺社会空虚与虚伪的现实主义精神。梅耶指出,他的戏剧不仅是整个社会的一种沟通媒介,而且也体现和拷问了社会的大多数流行思想。他讽刺了传统的浪漫主义文学世界观,向观众呈现了一个令人不安的现实。他小心翼翼地使用他的戏剧媒介来揭露和批判道德价值的空洞,人类存在的虚无,生存的斗争,最终的生命真理,以及在这个萨特宇宙的外星平台上对身份的无休止的寻找。事实上,詹姆斯•乔伊斯(James Joyce)对贝克特的评价是正确的:他很可能“在现代思想世界中拥有一个坚实的帝国”。

Waiting for Godot is one of the iconic texts of the existential crisis and the gruesome obscurity that haunts the human existence as Vladimir and Estragon eternally wait for the arrival of someone named Godot. In war ripped Europe, the play initiated some of the trendsetting theatrical ideas. It was inspired by Ibsen’s Theatre of the Absurd that dealt in absurdist fiction. The structure of Waiting for Godot is static—it has neither conflict nor conclusion. The employment of the tramps as the stock characters helps the audience in immediately realising the predicament of the characters. Their dialogues essentially reflect the nullifying effects of human existence and are layered with metaphorical significance. As the play unfolds, the audiences are made to face conflicting questions on religion, the existence of God, the validity of human existence, and the ultimate aim of human life. It is the strategy of the modern drama to induce an intellectual conflict in the mind of the audiences through the absence of the theatrical conflicts. As opposed to the over-ornate and graphics setting of the earlier dramas, Beckett belied in the minimalistic tradition. The employment of metatheatre helps in reinforcing the thematic focus in the light of realism. In the opening scene of the play, the audiences are presented with nothing but a dismal tree standing in the middle of nowhere. The action takes place in the middle of ‘nowhere’, which stands symbolic of the obscurity of human existence, identity, and of the existential angst. The metatheatrical paradigms of the play are to be realised in terms of the stage setting, thematic focus, dialogues, soliloquies and metaphorical significations. It is to be noted that the idea of the metatheatre has evolved over the ages.

Waiting for Godot was essentially infused in the spirit of realism that satires the void and hypocrisy of the society. His plays, as noted by Mayer, were not just a medium of communication on the society at large, but it also manifested and interrogated most of the prevalent ideas of the society. He satires the traditional romantic worldview of literature and presented the audiences with a rather disturbing reality. He carefully used his theatrical mediums to expose and criticise the void moral values, nothingness of human existence, the existential struggle for the ultimate truth of life and an endless search of an identity on this alien platform of the Sartrean universe. In fact, James Joyce had rightly commented on Beckett that it is probably him who had held “a firm empire over the thinking world in the modern times”.




