

本文讲的是激励员工策略,虽然把钱花在激励上,但从更大的角度来看,它可以带来更多的收入。因此,人力资源战略规划对员工激励的作用是非常重要的。HR必须评估员工的需求和激励因素。人力资源的战略规划需要涉及到员工的授权(Need, 2006)。为了鼓励员工的积极态度,人力资源部门必须采取有效的方法,通过降低成本来提高生产力。人力资源的主要战略包括管理员工的态度。本篇英国代写文章由英国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

Although spending money on incentives, it can bring in more revenue in the bigger picture. Thus, the role of HR strategic planning for providing incentives to the employees is very significant. HR has to evaluate the needs and motivational factors of the employees. The strategic planning of HR needs to involve the empowerment of the employees (Need, 2006). For encouraging positive attitude among the employees, HR have to apply he significant ways by which productivity can be increased by keeping the cost down. The main strategy of the HR involves managing the attitude of the employees.
Empowerment of the employee lies on the forefront of productivity increase and improvement in quality. According to many scholars and researchers, empowerment of the employees is considered as the effective strategy for increasing employee motivation (Silva, 2007; Need, 2006). Empowerment can be understood as the degree of authority, which is provided to employees for making independent decisions within their limit, training and making resources available for them. When the employees are trained and empowered, they have more confidence and feel motivated to complete their job with quality and efficiency.
For example, according to Nestoroska & Petrovska, (2014), empowerment strategy can be implemented through encouraging employee participation in decision making, problem solving, and designing and implementation of the organizational changes. For the purpose of management and HR strategic planning, the focus must be on the employee structure and what job position will significantly suit them. The positioning of the employee according to their skills and interest is important for encouraging motivation and receiving productivity in business.




