


“攻击新西兰的所有形式的文化种族主义,导致优势群体的价值观和生活方式被视为优于其他群体,尤其是毛利人的生活方式:(a)提供有助于发展社会的领导和方案其中所有群体的价值对其增强至关重要; (b)将毛利人的价值观,文化和信仰纳入针对新西兰未来的所有实践中“(Hyslop,2016,第7段)。然而,这从来没有被实施为一个适当的政府政策,而政府政策本身就表现出一种制度上的种族主义。其次,20世纪90年代当社区裁员时,人们获得了600美元的货币补偿,就像提供了赋权,而没有适当的未来资源可供支持。 2014年提出的弱势儿童行为受到负面批评,因为它是如何围绕着富人制定的一条规则以及为穷人制定的一条规则。事实上,它正在实施一定程度的多元化,同时以另一种方式寻求改善问题。 Parton(2014)将此定义为肌肉儿童保护的一种形式。在这种保护儿童的形式中,国家通过为无法保护自己的人施加合法的暴力来利用垄断来纠正问题。这不仅导致控制种族主义和恢复权利,而且还导致更多种族主义做法的扩散。因此,对于Aoeteroa新西兰存在的各种情况,人权因此成为处理国家和国家政策终结的复杂问题。



“To attack all forms of cultural racism in New Zealand that result in the values and lifestyle of the dominant group being regarded as superior to those of other groups, especially Māori, by: (a) Providing leadership and programmes which help develop a society in which the values of all groups are of central importance to its enhancement; and (b) Incorporating the values, cultures and beliefs of the Māori people in all practice developed for the future of New Zealand” (Hyslop, 2016, para. 7). However, this was never implemented as a proper government policy, which in itself shows a form of institutional racism. Secondly, when there were job cuts to the communities in the 1990s, people were given a monetary compensation of 600$ which was like providing for empowerment without proper future resources to be supported on. The vulnerable children’s act proposed in 2014 has come under negative criticism because of how it was built around one rule for the rich and one rule for the poor. It was in fact implementing a certain level of diversity while it sought to improve issues in another way. Parton (2014) defines this as a form of muscular child protection. In this form of child protection, the state uses a monopoly to correct a problem by applying legitimate violence on behalf of those who cannot protect themselves. This not only results in the control of racism and restoration of rights but it also results in the proliferation of more racist approaches. Human rights hence become a complex issue to handle on the state and national policy end for diverse situations that existing in Aoeteroa New Zealand.

The Significance of Human Rights-Probe based on Personal Beliefs
In an understanding of my own social values and cultural values, I believe that everybody is born with equal rights, but the land and the political-social situation of the land put some people in danger of having these inalienable rights denied to them. In current situations around the world, human rights violations are happening every minute.



