

英国代写论文:真正的领导力。真正的领导力被认为是在护理实践中创造和维持健康工作环境所必需的六项标准之一(MR, 2018)。真正的领导力是维系环境,保持环境健康的因素。因此,总结起来,要成为一个真正的领导者,一个人必须致力于个人转变,展示专业能力,并意识到内在的优势和弱点。不断的自我发展和能力的提高有助于成为一个更好的领导者。同情心和发展密切的关系是重要的,因此真正的领导者表现出更高的能力。接下来英国代写论文专家将为同学们分享下有关真正的领导力论文样本。

正如文章中所观察到的,真正的领导者有一些特定的特征,比如可信赖性、同情心、真诚、可信和可靠。真正的领导能力已被确定为以健康的方式保持工作环境的主要因素(Kuehn, 2010)。真正的领导者是那些对自己的行为、思想和他人的看法有深刻认识的人,因为他们知道自己和他人的道德价值。

正如研究中所观察到的,真正的领导者有五个明显的特征,这些特征将他们与普通领导者区分开来。这样的领导者知道他们需要服务的目的,实践强大的价值观,并用心去领导;因此,与自律的结合建立了持久的关系(Ritter, 2010)。当一个领导者保持对自己核心价值观、情感、偏好和身份的忠诚时,他就可以成为真正的领导者。真正的领导者对任务充满热情,并指导下属实现任务。

为了成为一个有效的领导者,一个人需要有同情心(Adamson, 2010)。真正的领导者不会害羞于亲密的个人关系,并且会面对困难、挑战和困难。这是通过社区服务来实现的,为国际学生提供住宿,并接触他人。建立长期的关系需要领导联系和分享工作目的,以达到共同的目标。这种关系是领导者通过分享经验、发展亲密关系和建立信任来建立的,同时保持职业和个人生活的平衡。

为了成为一个真正的领导者,我必须对服务有承诺和自我意识。信任、正直、勇气、毅力和希望的表现将帮助我与人民建立持久的关系。我会磨练自己的技能,以便我能够激励我所领导的员工,并让他们满意,从而使他们投入、承诺并参与到分配的任务中(Morton, 2015)。这将产生一个健康的工作环境,所承担的任务将在没有任何阻碍的情况下完成。要想成为一个真正的领导者,大量的自省和自我发现是必不可少的。这将为自我完善、自我更新和自我反省开辟道路。通过展示我自己的领导风格,符合我的个性,我将能够领导更好(Shirey, 2009)。

Authentic leaders have specific characteristics such as trustworthiness, compassion, genuineness, believability and reliability as observed in the provided article. Authentic leadership has been identified as the primary element that is instrumental in holding together the work environment in a healthy manner (Kuehn, 2010). The authentic leaders are those individuals having deep awareness about their behaviour, thought and perception by others since they are aware of the moral value of self and others.

As observed in the study provided, authentic leaders have five distinct characteristic features that distinguish them from ordinary leaders. Such leaders are aware of the purpose that they need to serve, practice values that are strong and lead with their hearts; thus enduring relations are established with the incorporation of self – discipline (Ritter, 2010). A leader can be authentic when he remains true to his core values, emotions, preferences and identities. An authentic leader is passionate about the mission and mentors the subordinates to live the mission.

In order to be an effective leader, one needs to have compassion (Adamson, 2010). Authentic leaders do not shy from close and personal relations and face the difficulties, challenges and hardships. This is achieved through community service, provides boarding to international students and reaches out to people. Establishment of long lasting relations needs the leaders to connect and share the work purpose to reach the common goal. This connection is built by the leaders by sharing experiences, developing intimacy and initiating trust while maintaining the professional – personal life balance.

In order to be an authentic leader, I have to be committed and self-aware towards the service. Demonstration of trust, integrity, courage, perseverance and hope will help me to establish a long lasting relation with the people. I will hone my skills such that I am able to motivate the people I lead and keep them satisfied so that they are engaged, committed and involved in their assigned tasks (Morton, 2015). This would result in a healthy work environment and the undertaken tasks would be completed without any sort of hindrance. A lot of introspection and self – discovery is essential for me to be a true authentic leader. This would carve the way for self – improvement, renewal and reflection. By demonstrating my own style of leadership, in accordance with my personality, I would be able to lead better (Shirey, 2009).



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