


1.在危机的情况当组织面临一些经济损失,导致不满足组织的运营成本。2008年的经济危机在该国所面临的许多组织,要求改变组织的由许多员工不喜欢(Ven &普尔,2005)。

2.当组织总体目标和目标不符合员工的组织和性能差距。在这些情况下组织的员工是有针对性和批判性,政策变化是适应这一组,这样他们就可以提高他们的生产力,可以帮助他们工作在提高组织的效率和整体帮助会议和填充性能差异。新技术实现有时在这种情况下改善组织的财务业绩。通过使用新的和改进的方法组织的员工可以帮助实现组织的总体目标(Ven &普尔,2005)。

3.改变时也进行了组织中的组织面临一些市场机会,以获得他们组织中需要进行一些改变。有些机会面临并购的形式。一个例子可以福特和长安集团公司的合并。合并是好的为公司特别是福特汽车公司,因为他们有机会进入中国市场(Ven &普尔,2005)。


  1. In the situation of crisis when the organization is facing some financial lose that is resulting in not fulfilling the operational costs of the organization. The economic crisis of 2008 was faced by many organizations in the country and was demanding for a change that was not liked by many employees of the organization (Ven & Poole, 2005).
  2. When the organizational overall objectives and goals are not met by the employees of the organization and performance gap is viewed. In these situations the employees of the organization are targeted and viewed critically, policies for change are adapted for this group so they can work on improving their productivity that can help them in increasing the productivity of the organization and overall helping in meeting and filling the performance gaps. New technology is implemented sometimes in this situation to improve the financial performance of the organization. By using the new and improved methods the employees of the organization can aid in fulfilling the overall objectives of the organization (Ven & Poole, 2005).
  3. Change is also conducted in the organization when the organization faces some opportunities in the market and order to gain them they need to conduct some changes in the organization. Some of these opportunities are faced in the form of mergers and acquisitions. An example of this can be the merger of Ford and Changan group of companies. The merger was good for both the companies especially Ford motors because they had the opportunity to enter in the market of china (Ven & Poole, 2005).



