



在McLaren(2015)的著作中,当作者讨论批判性教学法时,也接受了学校与权力的联系。学校与政治联系在一起,因为学校系统是孩子学习成为一个积极公民的地方。“批判性教育理论家认为,教师必须理解学校教育在加入知识和权力中所扮演的角色,以便利用这一角色来发展具有批判性和主动性的公民”(McLaren, 2015,第164页)。在全球化的名义下,即使在当今时代,杀人行为也在中国发生(赵,2018)。被压制的知识发展可以帮助增强学生的能力,因此必须作为未来教育目标的一部分被接受。被征服的知识是指过去被认为是naïve或更不主流或因等级较低而被排除在主流推理之外的更广泛的知识领域。福柯认为,知识不能减少,必须加以考虑。正如麦克拉伦(2015,第167页)所指出的,“批判性教学法致力于与从属和边缘群体团结一致的学习和行动形式”。从属的、边缘化的和现在被压制的声音和知识概念,因此都在告知未来的教育目标中发挥着作用。正是在这种被压制的甚至是不合格的知识中,知识体系变得更加一致,成为一个有差异的知识体系,在这个体系中,学习和对学习的批评可以以一种有能力的方式发生。

According to Michael Foucault, some powerful actors have subjugated some bodies of knowledge (Foucault, 1980). The subjugated knowledge that Foucault refers to is historical context and other knowledge elements that were buried in standardization and systematization. Some dominant and standardized formal knowledge has led to the suppression of others. Foucault connects knowledge with power and if subjugated knowledge is not integrated in the national curriculum as one of the goals, then in future, epistemicide can have major problems for the county.

The connection of school with power is also accepted in the work of McLaren (2015) when the author discusses critical pedagogy. The school is connected with politics, because the school system is where the child learns to become an active citizen. “Critical educational theorists argue that teachers must understand the role that schooling plays in joining knowledge and power, in order to use that role for the development of critical and active citizen” (McLaren, 2015, p. 164). In the name of globalization, even in present times, epistemicide is seen to happen in China (Zhao, 2018). Subjugated knowledge development could help empower students and hence has to be accepted as part of future educational goals. The subjugated knowledges refer to the broader domain of knowledges from the past that were considered naïve or less mainstream or were disqualified from mainstream reasoning because of being lower in a hierarchy. Foucault believes that the knowledge must not be diminished and must be brought up to consideration. As McLaren (2015, p. 167) presents, “Critical pedagogy commits itself to forms of learning and action undertaken in solidarity with subordinated and marginalized groups”. Subordinated, marginalized and now subjugated voices and knowledge concepts, both hence have a role to play in informing future educational goals. It is in bringing up such subjugated or even disqualified knowledge that the knowledge system becomes more unanimous and becomes a differential knowledge system in which learning and criticism on learning can happen in a capable way.




