
英国essay 代 写:市场参与者

英国essay 代 写:市场参与者

对现有理论的全面分析表明,如果一个公司能够识别出自己的核心竞争力和核心产品,并保持自身的发展,那么它很容易成为一个伟大的市场参与者。这表明,高层管理的作用是极其重要的,因为它的主要责任是建立一个战略架构,以帮助能力建设。简而言之,可以这样说,核心竞争力是增强新业务非常重要的源泉。管理者还需要赢得核心产品的生产效率,这样他们就可以通过品牌建设计划来获得全球份额,以确保公司的平稳运行(Prahald & Hamel, 1990)。与此相反,另一个主要理论是可持续性、复杂性和学习:从复杂系统方法中获得的见解,该理论的主要概念旨在确定两种不同方法的核心贡献。这些方法对于那些高度致力于提高可持续性技能、复杂自适应系统(CAS)和可行系统模型(VSM)的公司保持复杂性管理非常重要。
该理论的主要内容是实施有计划的变革,以解决现代商业时代日益严重的可持续危机问题。为了解决这一重大问题,许多组织都制定了积极的可持续发展议程,但结果却无关紧要,因为在个人、公司和市场层面都存在着重大的变革需求(Espinosa & Porter, 2011)。因此,随着旧的模型和理论的衰落,没有人知道完美的解决方案,公司无法以乐观的可持续的方式管理他们的活动。这个主要的理论是一个伟大的解决方案,以更好的方式处理可持续性问题和复杂的系统方法提供了一系列的解决方案,如实现自我组织的变化,使组织准备好适应变化,没有任何主要的困难。

英国essay 代 写:市场参与者

The overall analysis of the current theory states that a company can easily become a great player in the market if it identifies its core competency and core product and maintain its development. This reveals that the role of top management is extremely important as it is the major responsibility of top management to build a strategic architecture that helps in competence building. In nutshell, it can be stated that core competencies are very important wellspring of the enhancement of a new business. Managers are also needed to win manufacturing efficiency in core products so that they can capture global share with the help of brand building programs to ensure smooth functioning of firm (Prahald & Hamel, 1990). On the contrary to this, another major theory is sustainability, complexity and learning: insights from complex systems approaches and the main concept of this theory aim to determine core contributions from two different kinds of approaches. These approaches are important to maintain complexity management in firms that highly aim to enhance their sustainability skills, Complex Adaptive Systems (CAS) and Viable Systems Model (VSM).
The main of this theory is to implement planned change to resolve the issues of increasing crisis of sustainability issues of modern business era. In order to solve this major issue, many organizations have made up their positive sustainability agenda but the outcomes are irrelevant as there is a major requirement for change at individual, company and market levels (Espinosa & Porter, 2011). As a result, the companies are incapable of managing their activities in an optimistic sustainable manner as the old models and theories are falling and nobody is aware of the perfect solution. This major theory is a great solution to deal with sustainability issues in a better manner and complex system approaches provide a range of solutions such as implementing changes in self organization so that organizations become ready to adapt the change without any kind of major difficulty.



