


经典的媒体自由主义理论认为,媒体应该充当看门狗,确保政府权威机构的行为都符合协议。他们应该回应公众的观点,并确保有一个健康的批评社区的冗余和欺骗的做法(哈迪,2008)。这是媒体的主要功能。威权主义理论认为,bb0的寡头统治控制着媒体和媒体渠道。自由意志主义理论认为,对于任何被认为对社会有害的问题,都会有反对政府的声音。社会责任理论是关于确保社区中有来自媒体的集体利益。共产主义媒体理论认为,媒体应该反映社区工人阶级的声音。Hallin and Mancine理论提出了一种分析媒体系统的理论。有民主已经在媒体系统中得到了尝试,但是框架受到了系统中人们的政治结构和文化信仰的影响。本文对此进行了详细的探讨。
然而,这些媒体系统被发现受情况的主观本质所影响,并且可以通过案例研究得到最好的理解(Humphreys, P。(2011)该框架考虑的四个维度是媒体市场、政治并行性和新闻业专业化。在这一系统中考虑的第四个变数是国家对媒介系统的作用。为了调查国家的作用,考虑了这五个方面的目的。这五个维度分别是民主、多元化、法律权威程度、参照各地媒体体系的多元化程度(Hallin, & Mancini, 2004)。在此基础上,他们发展了三种媒体与政治模式。提出了多元主义或地中海模式、民主模式或社团主义模式和自由主义模式。


Classic media liberal theory states that media should act as watch dog and ensure that the government authorities are all acts according to the protocol. They should reverberate the views of the public and ensure that there is a healthy criticism of the redundant and deceitful practices in the communities (Hardy, 2008). This is the primary function of the media. Authoritarian theory states that the oligarchy of the government controls the press and the media outlets. Libertarian theory professes that there can be voices against the government about any issues that is deemed malignant to the community. Social responsible theory is about ensuring there is collectivistic good in the community stemming from media outlets. Communist theory of media states that the media should reflect the voice of the working class people in the communities. Hallin and Mancine theory proposes a theory to address analyse the media systems. There is democracy that has been essayed in the media systems however there framing has been influenced by the political structure and the cultural beliefs of the people in the system. This has been probed in detail in this analysis.
However these media systems are found to be influenced by the subjective nature of the situation and can be understood best via case study (Humphreys, P., 2011)Four dimensions that were considered in this framework were media markets, political parallelism, and professionalization of journalism. The fourth variable that was considered in this system was the role of the state with respect to the media system. To investigate about the role of the state these purpose five dimensions were considered. These five dimensions were democracy, pluralism, degree of legal authority, degree of pluralism with reference to the media system of each place was considered (Hallin, & Mancini, 2004). Based on these dimension, they had developed three models of media and politics. Pluralist or Mediterranean model, democratic model or corporatist model and liberal model were proposed.



