




It has been observed multiple times that the people who are overweight are consistently stigmatized by the community. These people are generally avoided because of their fat. This is done because of the fact that these people are avoided, they are refused to date and dine. Other than this, these people are also avoided by the private organizations and the government organizations. Prose has stated that it is not actually the person who is facing the problem of overweight is considered to be responsible for the same. Prose states that it is each and every prejudice which states that fat people are at fault is not true. She requested that the government should intervene into the reason which has been responsible for the people to become overweight. He wants that the legal experts should make laws so as to launch the campaigns against the companies which make fast foods, restaurants which serve junk food and those advertisements who target on the children to buy French fries. She states that it is more the advertising companies and the restaurants which serve the junk food is responsible for the over weight of the people and not the people themselves.
She is trying to point out that the companies who give such ads and raise the temptation of the people which lead to overweight. She tries to say that these kinds of actions are actually motivated because of these advertisements. She tries to emphasize that there should be measures by the social institutions to prevent the junk foods. She tries to give some examples that the sales of the junk foods should be banned in the schools, colleges and the campus. She clearly emphasizes that each and everyone in the society is responsible for the over weight of the people. Prose said that because of the tempting advertisements by the companies, the people may be attracted to the food items which are harmful (66).She also states that it is also the people who are responsible for the over weight of the people. Sometimes, it is observed that the people serve junk food when they visit their places. These people instead are more responsible for the over weight of their relatives. She says that it is actually the misguided sense of living which the people do in the present society that the people who are over-weight are considered responsible for their fat.



