


活动是人类生活的重要组成部分(Getz,1997)。从人类起源;事件中起了重大作用的文明进化。随着时间的推移,事件规划和管理的世界也在发展。不像过去,当事件没有对风险管理和可持续发展的关注,今天的事件管理是极为注重组织不仅是无风险事件,但也可持续性(o’tooleet al,2005)。事件策划公司组织和处理一系列活动,如公司活动、社会活动、非营利活动、婚礼等。然而,不同类型的事件中的一个共同因素是它们的管理过程,重点放在风险管理和可持续性问题上。


今天的活动规划和管理已经成为一个价值数十亿美元的行业。然而,几年前的情况并非如此。最初,对事件的管理方面没有太多的关注。换句话说,可以说,事件是组织更多的一种特定的方法(van der公司&卡洛斯,2005)。一般来说,组织一个活动来完成一项特定的任务。可能是婚礼的组织,或者是社交聚会。然而,随着时间的推移,今天的事件变得更加复杂,组织良好,具有讽刺意味的是更容易出现风险和可持续性问题。对于一个组织者来说,与事件相关的风险及其管理已经成为一场噩梦。


Events are part and parcel of a human being’s life (Getz, 1997).Since origin of human beings; events have played a major role in evolution of the civilization. With time, world of event planning and management has evolved as well. Unlike past, when events were managed without much focus on the risk and sustainability, today event management is extremely focused on organizing events which are not only risk free, but are also sustainable in nature (O’Tooleet al, 2005). Event planning companies organize and handle range of events such as, corporate events, social events, non-profit events, weddings etc. However one common factor among different types of events is their management process, and the focus on risk management and sustainability issues.

Event planning and management has gradually evolved as a multi-billion dollar industry, and is growing with every passing year. It becomes obvious that with such a high stake, risks and sustainability issues are equally high (Shone & Parry, 2004).With rapid increase in the competition, well established event management companies are focusing on making their event management process risk free and sustainable in nature.

Event planning and management today has become an industry which is worth billions of dollars. However this was not the case few years back. Initially, there was not much focus on the management aspect of an event. In other words, it can be said that events were organized in more of an ad-hoc approach (Van der Wagen& Carlos, 2005). In generic terms an event was organized to fulfil a particular task. It might have been organisation of a wedding, or a social gathering. However with changing time, events today have become more sophisticated, well organized, and ironically more prone to risk and sustainability issues. For an organizer, risks associated with an event and its management has become a nightmare.



