




Both Caesar and Alexander had great ambitions and good fortune, and they were strategists and were unsparing, fearless to the dangers. It is very quick to execute their decisions, and without doubt had been warlike. One of them had enough courage and stamina in taking long journey in the hot season across the desert. At the time, when the sea was pushed back, his divine power enabled him to cross Pamphylian gulf. Caesar was considered as a man with divine blessings. He could beat anything by his fortune. The sea would hold back until he cross it. There would be raining in the March for him. Alexander was courageous to the extent that nobody ever imagined. His venture on an unsailed sea in the distant land of India is case in point. The defeat was unheard of him and his troops. He won battle after battle or at most in two pitched battles. Alexander was not naïve in governance also. The Greeks were subdued by him who were renowned of their love for independence and were very difficult to govern. His rule was acceptable to the Greeks for the first time, with the exception of Philip. Alexander, apart from his European expeditions, runs over the whole of Asia. Alexander’s energy and luck, much like Caesar, was seen by his subject in the lands he conquered and his death took place while tackling the rest.
Apart from their skills in warfare and governance, they were both knowledgeable and lovers of wisdom. Their enthusiasm for wisdom was not merely restricted in the land they were born, but the ones borne out of the foreign lands. Alexander explored the knowledge and astrology of India. The Brahmans or the learned class of Indian social system were considered wise men as like the Magians in the Persian society. Alexander questioned them on the grounds of local learning and wisdom. Caesar is too investigated the wisdom that emanated from the land he conquered. His investigation included the Egyptian lore in the time of his stay in Egypt, when he established Cleopatra on the throne. The result was Caesar’s great improvement in the civilian sphere at Rome. He was the first man to in introduce the concept of year in Rome. At that time, there was still variability in the span of the year because of the occasional intercalary months being inserted and calculated as per the lunar months. Both Caesar and Alexander were great warriors and great rulers, not only in terms of conquests, but also governance, which building a civilization that everyone would be in awe of. The civilization they built excelled not only militarily, but also in art, culture, education, astrology and over all progress and growth of the people of their kingdom.



