


当知识无法真正获得时,刺激之间的知识关系就显得尤为重要。在多道跟踪理论中,内存的服务将导致编码并产生额外的内存,这一点非常重要。因此,MTL将是陈述性记忆,包括编码、巩固和情景记忆的检索。对内侧颞叶功能的认识是通过对人类神经生理学和神经影像学的研究来实现的。它有助于理解内侧颞叶回路的其他成分和子成分是如何在转换中间陈述性记忆的同时获得记忆的。它还讲述了电路是如何产生记忆来告知未来和结果导向的行为。如果内侧颞部的作用受到损伤,就会出现长期记忆的问题,甚至无法记住与之相关的一般事件和事实(Thompson, Waskom, and Gabrieli, 2016)。
一般来说,我们可以看到,任何充满感情的事情都会给人留下长久的印象。它们往往是强烈的记忆。很多人都记得当时发生的事情,比如发生在什么地方,他们当时在做什么。比如9/11事件或他们亲爱的人的婚礼,或一个真正贴近他们内心的场合。重要的因素实际上是大脑记录记忆的能力。而这是第一次强烈的记忆(Putcha et al., 2011)。另一种情况是大脑实际上记录和处理我们看到的、听到的、尝到的或感觉到的任何东西,这些东西很快就能感觉到,而且我们给出的观点也很准确。所有这些都存储在内存中,很容易重新连接。这通常是大脑海马状突起的一部分,海马状突起位于大脑皮层的中心,并与大脑皮层相互作用(Bright et al., 2006)。


When the knowledge is not really accessible, it is very important for the knowledge relation between the stimuli. In the multiple trace theory it is very much important that the service of the memory shall lead to the encoding and yielding the additional memory. Therefore, it is stated that the MTL will be declarative memory which will include the encoding, consolidation and also the retrieval of the episodic memory. The understanding of the functioning of the medial temporal lobe has been through the neurophysiological and the neuroimaging studies of human. It helps in understanding how the other components and the sub components of the medial temporal circuit gain the memory while turnaround of the mediate declarative memory. It also tells about how the circuit does gave rise to the memories to inform future and the result directed behaviour. In case of any damage to the medial temporal role, there will be problem to retain the long term memory or even the general events and facts for that matter (Thompson, Waskom, and Gabrieli, 2016).
Generally, it is seen that anything that charges emotionally tends to have a long lasting impression. They are often strong memories. Many people remember incidents such as at what place they were and what were they doing exactly at that time. Like the 9/11 event or the wedding of their dear ones or an occasion which is really close to their heart. The important factor is actually the strength with which the brain is able to record the memory. While for the first time it is a strong memory (Putcha et al., 2011).Another one can be of the situation where in the brain actually records and process whatever one sees, hears, taste or feels these things are quick to sense and also and accurate in the opinion that we give. All this gets stored in the memory and it’s really easy to reconnect. This is usually a part of the hippocampus part of the brain which is centred and helped with the cerebral cortex (Bright et al., 2006).



