




The case study analysis based on literature review on the subject highlighted two problems in strategic IT development for Volkswagen. It is recommended that the strong communication protocol to all stakeholders during IT process/ product built must be given first priority. Even to handle the current issues with respect to prioritization, communication with stakeholders is pivotal. Furthermore, this is a solution that can be implemented immediately. The second solution of having a centralized globalized IT network with training, communication and coalition is recommended as a more long-term plan.

The first solution that is proposed to the problem is that the company should impose a centralized IT environment with values and prioritizations understood at the global level. All managers and executives must understand the state, strategy and needs of the company at the global level and they should be trained not to worry about local elements alone. A balance between local strategy needs and global demands for Volkswagen must be inculcated, and executives should be taught about why the trade-offs in funding are necessary for bringing up the brand globally.

The second solution is to establish stakeholder communication at all times during an IT process/ product development. The case study shows that there has been communication, but the concerns rose after the projects were prioritized and it seems to show some communication problems. Business unit executives seem to have misunderstood the reason why their projects were ranked lower and they still claim to have their projects being added in unfunded list. It is an unfortunate situation and it highlights that some communication errors indeed must have occurred to raise this misunderstanding.




