

本文主要内容是个人健康,在个人健康方面,抑郁会表现出来。居住在这个社区的老年人增加了10-15%。这些导致他们参加住宿照顾,不想成为社会网络的一部分(雷蒙德,以色列和查尔斯,2011)。个体数量的增加导致他们出现精神病症状。抑郁症、酗酒和吸毒是普遍存在的。这些引起谵妄的因素上升。双相情感障碍是由慢性抑郁症发展而来的(Brownie and Nancarrow, 2013)。本篇英国论文代写文章由英国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

On the health of the individual, the depression is found to manifest itself. There is an increase of 10-15% of older people who are living in the community. These cause them to enroll in residential care and not want to be part of the social networks (Reymond, Israel and Charles, 2011). This increase of the individuals causes them to develop psychotic symptoms. There are development of Depression, alcohol and drug addiction that is prevalent. These cause the rise of the delirium factors. The bipolar disorder is developed from chronic depressive conditions (Brownie and Nancarrow, 2013).
There is increase in the progression of the diseases such as dementia or Alzheimer’s in the population. There is a cognitive loss of memory, intellect and social skills. These impact the physical wellbeing. The progression of the chronic illness is found to be more in these cases. According to a report by National Seniors Australia, the older Australians deem their quality of life to be dependent on the health that is based on a range of contextual and social factors. The social engagement plays an imperative role in the deciphering of the issues. Senior who are isolated report depressive symptoms (Reymond, Israel and Charles, 2011).
These low levels of association with the communities cause the people to have cognitive decline and dementia. There is a need for emotional support and the social activity is found to reduce. These adults sometimes do not even report their depressive symptoms and this causes more issues. The loneliness factors in the adults leads to risky behavior (Brownie and Nancarrow, 2013). Increase in the use of drugs or alcohol is evident. There are many consequences for the physical and mental health. Sometimes the risk factors for suicide increase in this schema.




