


The first research objective to understand the manner in which the news reports reflect reality can be understood from the responses of the participants on the questionnaire. 60 percent of the respondents indicated that major manipulations take place when the media texts are developed in order to attract increased number of audience. The second research objective of understanding the reality’s reflection in documentaries can be understood by the responses on question 7. 80 percent of the respondents indicated that since mediation is central to the media texts, the documentaries, reality TV shows and news reports are often based on a single theme which is magnified in order to present it as a real occurrence that takes place in front of the audience.
The third research objective was addressed by the fourth question wherein 70 percent of respondents agreed with the question and indicated that there are various elements that are seen to be an audience driving factor for the media corporations. The responses on question 10 provides with the critical insight from the industry professionals that the true reality is merely referred by the media texts whereas the reality showcased across the media texts is entirely changed.
The research problem that media texts does not reflect the reality has been addressed from the responses of participants. The analysis of the collected data has indicated that the true reality is not depicted by the media texts. However, the original theme is often articulated into a program that can attain the attention of the audience and create both demand and sense of reality towards the media text (Kohn, 2015). Hence, the facets of the reality that are not desirable by the population is often side-lined in light of showcasing those particular parts of reality that will be supported and encouraged by audience (Bennett and Booth, 2016). This takes place when the reality TV show is not only viewed by the audience but also engages the viewers across social media, application based voting and more avenues. The viewers are attracted to get engaged in gossips, exchange of views and drive popularity of the show across the social media.




