





The 3a.m. lockout which is the current rule for all nightclubs and bars cannot be termed as successful. This is because there are many incidents of misbehaviour or act of harming victims, which is the direct result of the nightclub and bars. Thus, this is proved to be enough that the system currently endorsed is not capable of meeting the desired outcome. The business of nightclubs and bars do have the right to operate in a country which allows them to conduct their business freely, but the nuisance created by the people after drinking, due to which the common public or innocent ones fall victim to, raises a problem about the purpose of nightclubs and bars. The clubs position that they provide the necessary time and enjoyment rights to citizens is also valid, but they must realize the negative effects created as a result of their remaining open till late.

It is observed that there are in all about 70,000 victims of alcohol related violence each year in Australia, and out of this about 14,000 are hospitalised with 3500 of them with brain injuries (Generation next, 2014). Thus it is seen that the violence due to alcohol is the reason for many injuries, especially fatal injuries, and even if the nightclubs and bars are reluctant to keep their businesses open even till 3am instead of 1am lockout, it is not a good sign of humanity on their part. This indicates that they are only bothered about their profits and nothing else. If they were really concerned, they would really put forward a rule from their end to the government to be imposed which restricts the conducting their business after 11p.m. or midnight.



