


随着贸易和外国投资边界的开放,全球化给新兴市场国家的国内组织带来了创新和提高其竞争力的压力和机会。其中一些压力和机会是通过与外国组织的联系加强竞争而发挥作用的。因此,本文的重点将放在研究新兴经济体中创新相关的决定因素(Lavie, 2006)。因此,本研究提出解释企业内部寻求外部自然科学知识的战略决策差异背后的原因(Almeida et al., 1999)。重点还在于了解这如何影响财务业绩以及对整个公司运营的影响。此外,毫无疑问,在21世纪的世界,在任何和每个领域都存在着创新发展的关键需求(Knott et al., 2003)。因此,本文的重点也在于首先评估创新在新兴经济体内部和其国内市场的程度和影响。
从这个角度看,其目的在于探索开放创新对新兴市场的影响。具体的重点将是在进行研究的同时,秘鲁的新兴市场。有大量的文献关注全球化对新兴市场经济体企业生产率的影响。然而,直到最近,文献才开始关注通过本地化企业对创新的全球化影响。尽管如此,假定的渠道是创新,全球化通过创新影响生产力(Kiessling et al., 2009)。影响创新水平的过程包括知识转移和产品市场竞争两个方面。目前已经开发了几种知识转移模型,如Sutton (2007 a)和Aghion et al. (2005 5a) (Kafouros et al., 2008)。还有一些模型关注企业竞争,不仅依赖于生产率,还依赖于产品质量。将根据这些模型检验几个假设。


With the trade as well as foreign investment borders being opened, globalization has brought forward pressures as well as opportunities for domestic organizations in the emerging economies of market for innovating and improving their position competitively. Several of such pressures as well as opportunities function by enhanced competition through link with foreign organizations. Within this paper, therefore, focus will be laid on examining innovation related determinants present within the emerging economies (Lavie, 2006). Therefore, this research proposes to explain the reason behind the strategic decision of difference within the firm look for acquiring scientific knowledge of external nature (Almeida et al., 1999). The focus also lies in understanding how this influences financial performance along with influence over entire firm operations. Moreover, there is no doubt that in the 21st century world, there is a key requirement for innovation development in any and every field (Knott et al., 2003). Therefore, in this paper, the key also lies in first evaluating the extent and influence of innovation within the emerging economies and within their domestic markets.
From the perspective, the objective lies in exploring the influence of open innovation on the emerging markets. Specific focus will be on an emerging market that is of Peru while undertaking the research. There is extensive literature focused over the globalization influences over firms productivity within emerging economies of markets. However, only recently, literature has stated to focus over the globalized effects on innovation through localized firms. Still, the presumed conduit is innovation by which globalization influences productivity (Kiessling et al., 2009). There exist 2 broader processes which can influence the innovation level inclusive of transfer of knowledge and competition in the product market. There are several models which have been developed such as Sutton (2007 a) and also Aghion et al, (2005a) over the knowledge transfer (Kafouros et al., 2008). There are other models focused over firms competition dependent not only over productivity, but also over product quality. Several hypothesis will be tested in alignment to these models.



