


必须对优秀的员工进行艰苦的培训,使他们具备最好的技能和知识,这样他们才能提高销售和带来更多的利润,否则,如果员工没有天赋和适当的培训不会来。许多导游被雇佣仅仅是因为他们与董事的关系,他们对旅游导游没有太多经验,破坏了公司的服务标准。这表明,血缘关系当优先于有才能的员工时,这是对那些应该得到比他们得到的更好的人的歧视行为(Pollitt, 2010)。此外,两名董事没有从事日常的商业活动,这表明他们在浪费人才,并聘用了错误的人来完成这项任务。蒂姆和乔安妮表示他们想离开公司,这表明员工的目标与组织的目标不一致。
员工的目标必须在组织的目标中占有一席之地,以最大限度地提高生产力,并确保一个整体的工作环境,在那里所有员工的需求和职业目标得到满足(Kirkpatrick & Kirkpatrick, 2006)。莎朗也表示她想离开并退休,而蒂娜对自己的职业生涯不满意,她说她想离开一段时间,回来在全球冒险中担任高级职位。员工激励的差异、与组织目标和集体团队努力的不一致是一个严重的问题(Fitz-enz, 2000),这将永远不会使组织回到其作为领导者的原始状态。员工士气低落,他们似乎对自己的任务不认真,似乎只是为了不失业而打发时间。这些是全球冒险的主要诊断结果,需要立即关注和补救行动,使公司回到正确的轨道,成为冒险旅游市场的领导者。


Best employees must be trained hard to equip them with the best of skills and knowledge so that they can enhance the sales and bring in more profits which otherwise would not come if the employees are not talented and trained appropriately. Many guides are employed simply because of their relationship with the directors where they don’t have much experience about travel guides and are spoiling the service standard of the company. This indicates that blood relations when preferred over talented employees, it is a discriminative practice against those who deserve better than what they receive (Pollitt, 2010). In addition, two of the directors are not engaged in the day to day business activities indicating a waste of talent and hiring the wrong person for the task. Tim and Joanne indicating that they want to leave the company show the poor alignment of employee goals with the organisational goals.
Employee goals must have a place within the organisational goals so as to maximise productivity, and ensure a holistic environment of working where all employees’ needs and career goals are fulfilled (Kirkpatrick & Kirkpatrick, 2006). Sharon has also indicated that she wants to leave and retire, while Tina looking unsatisfied with her career said that she wants to leave for a while and come back for a senior role in Global Adventures. The disparity in employee motivation and non-alignment with the organisational goals and collective team efforts is a serious illness (Fitz-enz, 2000), which will never make the organisation come back to its original state of being a leader. Employee morale is down and they seem to be non-serious about their tasks, and seem to pass them time just be safe from being unemployed. These are the primary diagnosis results of Global Adventures, requiring immediate attention and remedial action to take the company back on the right track to become a leader in adventure travel market.



