


印度教在政治上是正确的宗教名称,但根据印度教吠陀经,它被称为“Sanatam Dharma”,意思是“永恒之路”。基督教也为信徒提供了永恒的生活方式。因此印度教在许多方面与基督教很接近。两种宗教的核心理念完全相同。基督教的主要重点是美德,如性格,诚实,同情,和平,信仰和尊重。在印度教中,“达摩”一词的意思是责任。这些责任是为了人民的福祉而履行的,这些责任包括:同情、相互尊重、和平、诚实和信仰。佛法是每个人的责任,必须由每个信徒来完成。因此,印度教所述的职责是基于与基督教相同的美德。因此,这两种宗教都专注于履行作为儿子、父亲、公民或国王的职责。因此,责任定义了一个人的“业”。

印度教和基督教的另一个重要特征是对其他哲学和宗教的宽容。纵观历史,印度教徒和基督徒之间从未发生过战争。印度教和基督教都表现出对不同观点的宽容。印度教有许多不同的观点和宗教。同样,基督教也分为天主教徒和新教徒。印度教是在不同的哲学流派之上形成的,人们对它们有抵触(Jackson, 1988)。两种宗教都尊重意见上的分歧。印度教很大程度上依赖于理想崇拜,基督教的天主教也是如此。理想崇拜在天主教徒中也占有重要的地位,基督教早期历史已经证明了理想崇拜的存在。同样,天主教基督徒对圣母玛利亚的崇拜可以说是借用了印度教对天神的崇拜。一些学者认为基督教起源于印度教,许多基督教仪式直接取自印度教(Jackson, 1988)。


Hinduism is the politically correct name for the religion, but according to Hindu Vedas, it was called as “Sanatam Dharma”, which means “Eternal Way”. The Christianity also provides the eternal way of living for its followers. Thus Hinduism is close to Christianity in many ways. The core philosophies of both the religions are exactly the same. The main emphasis of Christianity is on the virtues like, character, honesty, compassion, peace, faith and respect. In Hinduism, the word “Dharma” means duty. The duties are done for the betterment of people, such duties include, compassion, mutual respect, peace, honesty and faith.Dharma is the duty of every person that must be fulfilled by every follower. Thus the duties stated in the Hinduism religion are based on the same virtues as Christianity. So, both the religions concentrate on carrying out the duties as being a son, a father, a citizen or the king. Thus the duties define the “karma” of a person.

Another great characteristic of Hinduism and Christianity is the tolerance for other philosophies and religions. All over the history, there have not been any wars between Hindus and Christians.Hinduism and Christianity have both shown tolerance for the difference in views. Hinduism is divided in many different views and religions. Same way Christianity is also divided into Catholics and Protestants. Hinduism is made over the different schools of philosophy and people have resistance towards them (Jackson, 1988). The difference in opinion is respected by both the religion. Hinduism is greatly dependent on ideal worship, same way the Catholic way of Christianity. Ideal worship also plays an important role in Catholics and the early history of Christianity has shown evidences of ideal worship. In the same way, it can be said that the worship of Virgin Mary by Catholic Christians is borrowed from the Hindu cult of Devi. Some of the scholars have a belief that Christianity was originated from Hinduism and many Christian rites are directly taken from Hinduism (Jackson, 1988).



