


One fine sunny day, Sophie was returning to home from one of her friends’ house. She was really happy about making a new friend in college, Samantha, who shared the same interests as Sophie and thus a bond was formed between them. While she was on her way to home, Sophie noticed a lady looking for directions on the map of the city instated on the corner of her street. Sophie presumed that the lady was a tourist looking at the trolley bag which the woman carried with her. Sophie served the role of a Good Samaritan and helped the woman find the place that she was looking for.
The woman was pleased with the assistance from Sophie and waved goodbye to Sophie before departing to her destination. This scenario shows how a person can fulfil the roles of a hero without even the slightest risk to personal health. The notions of heroism arise from such urges to express compassion which has been explained in the scenario. Sophie could have continued on her way back home without caring what the lady was doing or what she can do to help her. On the contrary, she chose to help the woman find the precise directions to her destination.
Clarence is the next hero whose activities need to be considered for deriving an opinion on the characteristics of a hero or the factors required to become a hero. Clarence is a girl in her teens and has just enrolled her name in high school. Clarence is treated by her parents no less than a princess. She is very dear to her father who takes care of her every need without even a hint of disdain. Clarence was brought up in an orthodox religious background but was more inclined to the contemporary trends. Her father was supportive of her activities in all sectors including sports, drama and debates. The involvement of Clarence in all such activities accompanied with her approach towards understanding people widened her opinions on the definition of a hero. She always wanted to become a hero like her favourite movie character, Lara Croft- energetic, adventurous and skilled.

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