


尺寸被认为是巨型虫电影中最重要的主题,特别是90年代的电影。然而,好莱坞对待这一概念的方法是从生物学的角度提出的,这可以被认为是天真无望(Sanchez, 2011)。作为本文的主要论点,绝对大小是不能单独处理的,而大小具有影响生物体生物学各个方面的趋势。本文将结合电影《虫族的生活》(1998)来论证这一命题。总的来说,电影的前提和情节总是设定在从通常的语境中提取一些东西,让一些东西显得大或小,同时从不同的角度呈现情节。在电影《昆虫的生活》中,节肢动物如蛛形纲动物、甲壳纲动物和昆虫的生活是交织在一起的(LaBarbera, 2003)。

这些角色显然是通过对这些物种的研究创造出来的,为这些虫子的生活创造了近乎真实的写照。这部电影展示了许多场景,在这些场景中,昆虫的栖息地、行为和结构都可以和真实世界完全一样(Price, 2008)。然而,也有利用现实与幻想为家庭创作了一部愉快的电影。电影的视角是从电影标题所描述的虫子的生活出发,虫子覆盖着屏幕,而其他物体,如人、房子和自然是巨大的(Sanchez, 2011)。在电影《虫虫的生活》中,与现实世界相比,在描绘虫子的大小时,这在物理和生物学上都存在不准确之处。


Size has been identified as the most significant themes in giant bug films, especially in films from the era of 1990s. However, the approach of Hollywood to this concept has been presented from the perspective of biology that can be considered as naïve hopelessly (Sánchez, 2011). As the main thesis of this essay, there cannot be any treatment of absolute size in isolation, while size holds the tendency of affecting every aspect in biology of an organism. This thesis statement will be proved in this essay considering the movie Bug’s Life (1998). In general, the premise and plot of movies are set invariably to take out something from the usual context, making something appear large or small, while presenting the plot from different perspectives. In the movie Bug’s Life, lives of several species of arthropods such as arachnids, crustaceans, and insects, have been interwoven (LaBarbera, 2003).

The characters had been created obviously by conducting research on these species, for the creation of almost realistic portrayal for the lives of these bugs. The movie shows a number of scenes in which the habitats, behaviors and structures of the bugs can be expected exactly as the real world (Price, 2008). However, there has also been leveraging of reality with fantasy for the creation of an enjoyable film for families. The perspective of the movie is from the bug’s life as depicted by its title, while bugs cover the screen, and other objects such as humans, houses, and nature are huge (Sánchez, 2011). This has presented the physical and biological inaccuracies in portraying the size of bugs in comparison with the real world in the movie Bug’s Life.



