

本篇文章讲述的是儿童在户外玩耍的好处,当一个孩子玩一个单独的游戏时,这个孩子就学会了发展维持这个世界所需要的技能。在这个过程中,反射和认知都得到了改善。例如,当一个孩子学会沉迷于一个简单的活动,如扔石头到河里,就会有反射和认知的学习(Barnett & Weber, 2008)。在玩划船等团队游戏时,孩子们学会了团队动力的重要性,并努力培养与周围人的关系,使他们团结一致。通过团队合作,他们学会了自信和戏剧性的细微差别。本篇英国艺术与设计论文代写文章由英国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

When a child plays an individual game, the individual learns to develop skills that are required to sustain in the world. Reflex and cognition are improved in the process. For example, when a child learns to indulge in a simple activity such as throwing stone into a river, there will be the learning of reflexes and cognition (Barnett & Weber, 2008). While playing team games such as rowing the children learn the importance of group dynamics and try to foster relationships to work cohesively with those around. By the act of performing as a team in teams, they learn the nuances of confidence and dramaturgy in the process.
When the children are involved in community development activities such as rebuilding houses, they learn the nuances and the basic dynamics of human nature (Barnett & Weber, 2008). When these activities are found in nature, the child is provided with more space towards innovation based on the innate potential of the child. Combinations of these factors enable the child to understand their potential and interests. On the other hand, if the child was made to play in a controlled playground with specific games, the creativity of each child gets stifled (Barnett & Weber, 2008). They do not have the experiences to develop creatively or cognitive skills, owing to this; there is a need for the children to interact with the world around them to develop as confident adults.
Prince et. al., (2013) stated that children in general are impressionable. They are found to forge and understand the world by mimicking the world. The understanding of nature enables children to form better understanding of the nature. There are several knowledge gaps and issues in each society. In this process, it has been observed that the people in general overlook the importance of the children outdoor play areas (Barnett & Weber, 2008). It is imperative for the parents, guardians and teachers to come together along with the community to develop different opportunities for the children to play in diverse natural environmental. Children in the contemporary era are found to not have the adequate resources for playing outdoors (Barnett & Weber, 2008). Research indicates that the children must play outside and interact with the nature for wholesome development. The question and the future research should be aimed at the ways to develop innovation to interact with the outer world.




