


在2008年和2009年的经济和金融危机之后,欧盟一些国家的金融市场的波动性显著增加(Mateev, 2014)。这一点在欧元领域尤为明显,因为它既属于股票市场,也属于主权债务市场。虽然政策制定者已将评级机构视为一种可能的手段,认为它们在加剧金融市场波动方面做出了关键贡献,但文献似乎并未涉及金融变量之间的联系。事实上,这些类型的波动最终加剧了金融不稳定的范围及其不可预测性,因为高水平的波动与市场参与者对高风险的看法有关。

此外,这种感知风险和波动性的增加似乎也产生了同样没有根据的影响。这些影响是关于宏观经济因素通过放大产出波动的不确定性(Li et al., 2008)。尽管2009年欧洲地区出现了一些紧张局势,但信用评级机构的声明最终还是震动了融资市场平台,并成为头条新闻。而不是特定于这个特定的时期是关键视角的行为与个人信用评级开门属性(Klimavičienė,2011)。众所周知,这对主权债券相对于其他国家的收益率产生了关键影响。这也重新引起了策略开发人员的注意。


After the economic and financial crisis of the year 2008 and 2009, volatility across the markets of finance has experienced a marked increase in a number of countries of European Unions (Mateev, 2014). This is notable in the area of euro, being within the market segment of equity and within the market of sovereign debt. While policy developers have looked towards agencies of rating as a possible means making key contribution in increasing the volatility of financial markets, the literature does not appear to be tackling the link between the variables of finance. As a matter of fact, these types of volatility end up exacerbating the scope of financial instability along with its unpredictability, as high levels of volatility are in association with the perspective of market participants on higher risk.

In addition, this increment in perceived risk and volatility appears to be having similarly unwarranted impacts. These impacts are regarding uncertainty of macroeconomic factors by the amplification of volatility in output (Li et al., 2008).Even after a number of tensions started to surface across the European area in 2009, the announcements of credit rating agencies ended up rattling the market platforms of financing, while making headlines. While not being specific to this particular period, there is the key perspective on actions of credit rating pertained with individual attribute (Klimavičienė, 2011). These are known to be having a key impact on the yields of sovereign bonds over other nations. This has also resulted in regaining the attention of policy developers.



