




In this poem the author asks an imaginary audience a number of questions. There are no rhyming words in general. The author has poignantly explained the nuances of old age by asking questions in hypothetical situations. It is evident that the protagonist has lived a full life and now wants to have a purpose in life rather than idling away waiting for the impending death. In this poem the poet has tried to use the allegory of “autumn” winds to the impending aging process. It is a form of lament that all the duties of the poet and the life are over. It is a requirement stage explanation of the events from an old person. The main protagonist is now living in a retirement home after living a full life in their home country. The person is living in a different part of town experiencing old age. There is a sense of wanting to be back with the community and there is also profound sadness that of the age will not be back. It is to be noted that the poet is feeling melancholic and is not able to pinpoint the exact root cause of the sadness that the poet feels at the very moment.
To explain the sadness the poet asks anumber of rhetorical questions use examples. This is to elucidate that the author has the means to live a decent life however there is the sentiment of losing their vitality and age. The people living in the retirement houses tend to develop sentiments of loneliness and they are missing their families. This melancholic lament is echoed in every line of the poem.In the first line the author tries to retrospect about the root of sadness and the internal conflicts. In the subsequent line, the author states that with the impending winter that follows autumn, it signifies the end of another year. There is a fear that resonates in this sentence about the eventual aging process.Subsequent to this line the author states the reason for the fear is not money nor is it because of isolation. Poet has used a number of examples to figure out the roots of the sadness. People living in foreign nations long to go back to their home country. Poet has never left the place of the home country.



