


该公司一直在为其员工进行识字和计算班,其中只有2人已经离开,而且大多数人随时都有资格获得合格的职位,但他们一直缺乏持续关注的动力,并且长期以来的生产力和效率。 Van Dijk,van Engen和Paauwe(2012)已经注意到,随着员工队伍更加多样化,有时候管理他们会更容易,并且保持他们长时间的动力,而最小或短期的动机不足。考虑到这一点,可以看到公司拥有大部分单一社区劳动力,这在某种程度上是公司的力量,但也缺乏竞争力的驱动力。

Cole和Salimath(201)也承认,多元化的劳动力是组织表现出的强大的社会价值的反映,并且对于这样一支劳动力队伍来说,可以更灵活地采取一种方法,并且拥有更广泛的知识资本从多样性。因此,考虑到这一点,Easiyo开发一种胜任力模型是很重要的,在这种模式下,不同的员工被聘用并被安排在公司的不同职位上。这可以做两件事。其一,多样化的员工队伍可以带来新的协同效应,可以共同处理各种情况和客户,有时很难由组织内的单个社区处理(Parry and Tyson,2011);和两个,这样一个多元化的劳动力队伍可以更好地处理冲突,并显示采用新措施的灵活性和易用性(Mihalcea,2014)。


The company has been conducting literacy and numeracy classes for their workers out of which only 2 have left and most have qualified over time and attained responsible positions in the company, but they have been lacking the motivation for being continuously focussed and productive and efficient over time. Van Dijk, van Engen and Paauwe(2012) have noticed that with a more diverse work force, it is sometimes easier to manage them and keep them motivated for a longer period of time with minimum or short phases of demotivation. This when considered, it is seen that the company has a majority of a single community work force which in a way has been the force for the company but have also been lacking the drive to be more competitive.

Cole and Salimath (201) also admits that a diverse work force is the reflection of a strong societal value that is being displayed by the organisation and with such a workforce it is possible to be more flexible in one’s approach and have a broader intellectual capital coming from the diversity. Thus, considering this, it is important that Easiyo develop a competency model in which a diverse work force is being hired and placed at different positions in the company. This can do two things; one, the diverse workforce can bring in new synergies to work with and can collectively handle a varied set of circumstances and clients which sometimes is difficult to be handled by a single community working in an organisation (Parry and Tyson, 2011); and two, that such a diverse workforce can handle conflicts in a better way and show flexibility and ease in adopting to new measures (Mihalcea, 2014).



